SGP 2022, July 4–6
The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) is the premier venue for
disseminating new research ideas and cutting-edge results in digital geometry processing.
In this research area, concepts from mathematics, computer science, and engineering are
studied and applied to offer new insights and design efficient algorithms for acquisition,
modeling, analysis, manipulation, simulation and other types of processing of 3D models
and shape collections.
In 2022, SGP will be held from July 4th through 6th. Location and format will be announced
soon, in due consideration of the developing pandemic situation. Our goal is to provide
the unique experience of SGP while enabling broad and safe participation. Continuing a
successful tradition, SGP will also offer a Graduate School on July 2nd and 3rd, targeted
at students and researchers new to the field. Courses will be taught by leading experts
and complemented by interactive demonstrations to provide in-depth knowledge of recent and
fundamental aspects of geometry processing.
We invite paper submissions related to, but not limited to, the following topics:
* Acquisition and reconstruction
* Analysis and fabrication for 3D printing
* Architectural geometry
* Discrete differential geometry
* Exploration of shape collections
* Geometry and topology representations
* Geometry compression
* Geometric deep learning
* Geometry processing applications
* Interactive techniques
* Meshing and remeshing
* Multiresolution modeling
* Multimodal shape processing
* Processing of massive geometric datasets
* Geometric representations for machine learning
* Shape analysis and synthesis
* Simulation and animation
* Smoothing, filtering, and denoising
* Surface and volume parameterization and deformation
Important Dates in 2022:
Paper submission: April 11
Notification: May 30
Revised version due: June 10
Camera ready version due: June 20
Graduate School: July 2–3
Conference: July 4–6
Program Chairs:
Marcel Campen (Osnabrück University)
Michela Spagnuolo (CNR)
Graduate School Chairs:
Ruizhen Hu (Shenzhen University)
Teseo Schneider (University of Victoria)
SGP Steering Committee:
Leif Kobbelt (RWTH Aachen University) [chair]
Marc Alexa (TU Berlin)
Pierre Alliez (INRIA)
Mirela Ben-Chen (Technion-IIT)
Hui Huang (Shenzhen University)
Niloy Mitra (UCL)
Daniele Panozzo (NYU)
Further details to come. For updates check