Dear colleagues,
The ViRVIG Research Center ( <> at UPC
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) is looking for a new PhD student in
Computer Graphics.
The research is embedded in the 3D4LIFE project, "Visualization, modeling,
simulation and interaction with 3D models. Applications in life sciences and
urban environments", funded by Spanish Ministry and FEDER funds.
** Project **
The 3D4LIFE project focuses on large models stemming mainly from two fields:
life sciences and urban modeling. In life sciences we address three distinct
sources of information: medical imaging devices (diagnosis and training),
molecular simulations in pharmacology, and biomechanical data. Concerning
urban modeling, we focus on the generation of plausible models (geometric
models, simulation of crowd behaviors) from multiple data sources. Despite
the transversal nature of the project, the specific objectives are conceived
to facilitate the development of 3D applications meant to improve the
quality of life of the people, both in their health (clinical diagnosis,
simulations in sports biomechanics, design of new drugs) and in their
immediate surroundings (crowd behavior simulation, sustainable urban design,
cultural heritage).
The candidate will contribute to the modeling, visualization, simulation or
interaction problems in the context of the project. The specific topic for
the successful candidate will be decided according to his/her prior
** Profile **
Candidates should have a background in Computer Science or related fields
(MSc level), with a strong interest in Computer Graphics. Candidates should
have demonstrable experience in 3D programming and excellent knowledge of
both written and spoken English.
** Offer **
The position will be available after the publication of the resolution
granting the aid, which is expected by *April-May 2019*.
The candidate will join the ViRVIG research group at UPC-Barcelona, which
offers a great opportunity for high-quality Computer
Graphics research. The position is funded for up to four years.
** How to apply **
To apply please prepare and submit the following information (deadline
October 19):
1. Curriculum Vitae, including a list of your publications (if any)
2. Academic record
3. A cover letter stating your research interests and how they relate to the
4. [Optional] Recommendation letter(s)
to Carlos Andujar ( <> andujar(a) Please
quote "PhD position" in the subject.
Selected candidates will be asked (and assisted) to fill the formal
application at the Spanish Ministry web page.
Would you be so kind to distribute this offer among potential candidates?
Carlos Andujar
Associate Professor