Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine VCBM 2014
Call for Posters
EG VCBM is an annual event addressing state-of-the-art visual computing
research with a strong focus on applications in biology and medicine. EG
VCBM is unique, as it provides a highly interdisciplinary forum for experts
from computer graphics, visualization, computer vision, visual analytics,
human computer interfaces and end users from biology and medicine jointly
working on next generation visual computing solutions for healthcare and the
biotechnology sector.
EG VCBM 2014 continues the poster track to enable researchers to present
their work in progress, minor improvements beyond the state-of-the-art, and
the best results of the undergraduate student projects in the area of visual
computing for biology and medicine. Accepted posters will be placed in the
workshop area during the time of the event, and the program will feature a
dedicated poster session where the authors have the opportunity to present
their research and lead fruitful discussions with peer researchers that will
inspire for future research and cooperation.
The submission to the poster track at EG VCBM consists of a ½ 1 page
abstract (12pt) optionally including pictures. The posters will be reviewed
by conference chairs and the abstracts of the accepted posters will be
included in the conference publications. The material from the poster can be
re-used for a full paper submission somewhere else and this act is not to be
considered as a self-plagiarism. Authors of the accepted posters are
expected to bring their poster to the conference, register for the
conference participation, and present their work at the poster at the time
of the poster session. Please submit your non-anonymized poster submissions
including authors names, affiliations, and acknowledgments to
<> chairs-vcbm2014(a)
Important Dates
Poster submission: August 07, 2014
Poster notification: August 14, 2014
Workshop: September 4.-5., 2014
All deadlines are at 23:59 CET (UTC + 1) (
<> convert to your
Best wishes,
Katja Bühler, Ivan Viola, Timo Ropinski
VCBM 2014 Chairs