Call for participation

Eurographics Rendering Symposium 2005

University of Konstanz, Germany

From June 29th to Juli 1st the University of Konstanz hosts the
Eurographics Rendering Symposium 2005. We would like to invite you
to come to our beautiful town at the lake of Konstanz and to attend
to one of the premier conferences for rendering techniques worldwide.

The preliminary list of talks can be found below, the program chairs
(Kavita Bala, Phil Dutre) together with the PC selected an interesting
and inovative program with many international guests.

We are looking forward seeing you here,

 Oliver Deussen, Alexander Keller (local organizers)

Preliminary list of talks:

Experimental Validation of Analytical BRDF models and Measurement of Anisotropic
Addy Ngan, Fredo Durand, Wojciech Matusik

Out of Core Photon-Mapping for Large Buildings,
David Fradin, Daniel Meneveaux, Sebastien Horna 

A Low Dimensional Framework for Exact Polygon-to-Polygon Occlusion Queries,
Haumont Denis, Makinen Otso,Nirenstein Shaun 

Inferring Reflectance Functions from Wavelet Noise,
Pieter Peers, Philip Dutre

Geometric clustering for line drawing simplification
Pascal Barla, Joelle Thollot, Francois Sillion 

Texture Tiling on Non-Euclidean Surfaces using Wang Tiles
Chi-Wing Fu, Man-Kang Leung,

Reflectance Sharing: Image-based Rendering from a Sparse Set of Images
Todd Zickler, Sebastian Enrique, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Peter
Multiresolution Reflectance Filtering
Ping Tan, Stephen Lin, Long Quan

Bayesian Relighting
Martin Fuchs, Volker Blanz

Real-Time Multiple Scattering in Participating Media with Illumination Networks
Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos, Mateu Sbert, Tamas Ummenhoffer 

Metropolis Photon Sampling with Optional User Guidance
Shaohua Fan, Stephen Chenney, Yu-chi Lai

Real Illumination from Virtual Environments
Abhijeet Ghosh, Matthew Trentacoste, Helge Seetzen, Wolfgang Heidrich,

Bidirectional Importance Sampling for Direct Illumination
Abhijeet Ghosh, David Burke, Wolfgang Heidrich 

Adaptive Numerical Cumulative Distribution Functions for Efficient Importance
Jason Lawrence, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Ravi Ramamoorthi 

Spherical Quad-Quadtree for Sampling Dynamic Environment Sequences
Liang Wan, Tien-Tsin Wong, Chi-Sing Leung 

Non-linear volume photon mapping
Diego Gutierrez

Motion Blur for Textures by Means of Anisotropic Filtering
Joern Loviscach

A Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for Accurate and Efficient Subsurface Scattering
Hongsong Li, Fabio Pellacini, Kenneth E. Torrance 

Importance Sampling for Video Environment Maps
Vlastimil Havran, Miloslaw Smyk, Grzegorz Krawczyk, Karol Myszkowski, Hans-Peter

Ray Maps for Global Illumination
Vlastimil Havran, Jiri Bittner, Robert Herzog, Hans-Peter Seidel

Importance Resampling for Global Illumination
Justin Talbot, David Cline, Parris Egbert 

Adaptive Frameless Rendering
Abhinav Dayal, Cliff Woolley, Benjamin Watson, David Luebke,

Table-top Computed Lighting for Practical Digital Photography
Ankit Mohan, Jack Tumblin, Bobby Bodenheimer, Cindy Grimm, Reynold Bailey 

Online Construction of Surface Lightfields
Greg Coombe

Colorization by Example
Revital Irony, Daniel Cohen-Or, Dani Lischinski 

Perceptually Based Tone Mapping of High Dynamic Range Image Streams
Piti Irawan, James A. Ferwerda, Stephen R. Marschner 

A Dual Light Stage
Tim Hawkins, Per Einarsson, Paul Debevec 

Stippling and Silhouettes Rendering in Geometry-Image Space
Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen, Nan Zhang, Baoquan Chen

Radiance Cache Splatting: A GPU-Friendly Global Illumination Algorithm
Pascal Gautron, Jaroslav Krivanek, Kadi Bouatouch, Sumanta Pattanaik

Fast Exact From-Region Visibility in Urban Scenes
Jiri Bittner, Peter Wonka, Michael Wimmer 

Estimation of 3D Faces and Illumination from Single Photographs Using A Bilinear
Illumination Model
Jinho Lee, Hanspeter Pfister, Baback Moghaddam, Raghu Machiraju,