Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 21st EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH 2023: GCH this year is organised from the 4th to the 6th of September 2023, in the astonishing location of Salento (at Convitto Palmieri in Lecce, Italy) , and, for the first time, in co-location with XRSalento (XRSalento 2023); a special interactive session dedicated to “XR for Cultural Heritage” will be jointly organised on the 6th of September.


Presentation. GCH 2023 welcomes presentations of new research, projects, applications and best practices that demonstrate how computer graphics and digital technologies are impacting cultural heritage research, preservation, simulation, dissemination and promotion of sustainable cultural tourism. Focus of this year’s forum is to present and showcase new developments at the crossroads of AI technologies with rendering, reconstruction and advanced user experiences applied to the cultural heritage. Aim of EG GCH is to foster discussion between AI, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, HCI and Digital Heritage researchers, in a collaborative environment with cultural institutions, scholars in the cultural heritage domain and creative industries. We encourage the community to participate in the panel discussion on promises and concerns about the adoption of AI and reconstruction technologies by scientists and practitioners in the field of Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage. This year's GCH workshop will open up a new avenue and impact by creating a link between researchers with innovative ideas and scientific journals.

Publication and Submission. Accepted full papers and short papers will be published by Eurographics and will be available with open access in the Eurographics Digital Library (EG GCH: EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage ISSN 1811-864X, since 2014: GCH: ISSN 2312-6124).  Accepted papers with a high innovation potential will receive a proposal to prepare an extended manuscript of their contribution to be submitted to a scientific journal. This year, GCH has established dedicated agreements with the following journals that are available to publish manuscripts from the conference: ACM JOCCH Journal, Elsevier DAACH and MDPI Heritage (but other journals might be included). You can submit your work using template and guidelines you can find in the SRM system (Submission & Review Management), selecting either Eurographics GCH full paper (max 10 pages), short paper (4 pages) or demo/poster contribution (2 pages)  

Types of Contributions.

  1. Full Research papers: original and innovative research (max 10 pages incl. refs.); 
  2. Short Papers: research activities, applications or projects (max 4 pages inc. refs.);
  3. Posters/Demo: overview of activities or national/international Interdisciplinary projects (2 pages).




Contributions are solicited within the following topics (but not limited to):

Social Events   Social events will include the trips to discover the historical city center of Lecce and Otranto, one of the pearls of the historical cities, facing directly on the Mediterranean Sea.

Important Dates    








Short Papers

May 7th

May 30th

June 30th

June 30th

July 30th*

GCH Full Papers

May 30th

June 30th

July 15th

July 30th

September 5th*

Interactive Demo / Poster

June 30th

July 30th

September 5th

Support. GCH2023 is organised and supported by CNR ISPC, Fraunhofer IGD, University of Salento, and the PERCEIVE  project.



Holger Graf


Abteilungsleiter / Head of Department

Dep. Virtual and Augmented Reality

Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (IGD)

Fraunhoferstraße 5

D-64823 Darmstadt


Tel. +49 6151 155 471

Mob. +49 171 7610 621
