The island of Cyprus and the organizing committee are pleased to announce a
joint conference to be held from the 30th of October to the 4th of November,
2006 focused on building regional capacity in Cultural Heritage :
"The e-volution of
Information Technology in Cultural Heritage,
Where Hi-Tech Touches the Past:
Risks and Challenges for the 21st Century".
A joint event for the
exchange and sharing of know-how in the areas of
Cultural Heritage (CH) and
Information Technology (IT) focusing on
e-documentation and Computer
- The 37th CIPA International Workshop on e-Documentation and
Standardisation in Cultural Heritage (
- The 7th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and
Cultural Heritage.
- The 4th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural
Heritage (
- The 1st Euro-Med Conference on IT in Cultural Heritage.
General Assembly and EPOCH SME meeting (