4th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine,
3.-5. September 2014, Vienna Austria
2nd Call for Papers
--->>> Follow us on Twitter: @vcbm_2014
Aims and Scope
EG VCBM is a bi-annual event addressing state-of-the-art visual computing
research with a strong focus on applications in biology and medicine. EG
VCBM is unique, as it provides a highly interdisciplinary forum for experts
from computer graphics, visualization, computer vision, visual analytics,
human computer interfaces and end users from biology and medicine jointly
working on next generation visual computing solutions for healthcare and the
biotechnology sector.
New! Two satellite events will take place on September 3rd, open to the
public and free of charge!
* VisBio 2014 is an expert forum related to the WWTF project
O&lang=EN> "Visual Computing: Illustrative Visualization". The event
features several invited talks by local and international experts from
biology, bioinformatics, and visualization.
* In the afternoon, the bi-annual meeting of GI Fachgruppe "Visual
Computing in Biology and Medicine" (
<http://www.vcbm.org/satellite-events/www.fg-medvis.de%29> FG Medvis) will
include talks, discussions and software demos in order to exchange research
ideas and results.
Submit your Research to VCBM:
EG VCBM solicits the submission of original application-oriented research
papers that advance the fusion of visual computing methods within
imaging-based medicine and biological science. All papers should focus on a
well-defined biological or medical problem, and should demonstrate a
significant innovation or improvement in visual computing.
Suggested topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
* Visual computing solutions (including image analysis!) for medical
applications like radiology, interventional medicine, pathology, anatomy and
medical education
* Visual computing solutions for applications to support biomedical
research in systems biology, omics, molecular pathology, neuroanatomy,
biomedical imaging,...
* Survey papers on visual computing in biology and medicine
Methods might include, but are not limited to
* Visualization and analysis of all kinds of biomedical (image) data
* Visualization, mining and analysis of biomedical data collections
* Fusion, analysis and visualization of heterogeneous and/or
multi-source data
* Multi-scale methods and data structures for large data
* Interaction and design of visual computing workflows in medicine and
* Data tracking and registration
* Data reconstruction and geometry extraction
Information for Authors
All submitted papers will run through a one-stage peer-review process.
Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and will appear in the
EG-published printed conference proceedings.
* The authors of the best three papers will be invited to submit an
extended article version of their paper as journal publication to
<http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0167-7055> Computer Graphics Forum.
* We have a Best Paper Award sponsored by Nvidia.
* VCBM 2014 Highlights will be presented at the
<http://www.ntnu.edu/vph2014> Virtual Physiological Human Conference 2014.
Submission Format
Papers can be up to 8 pages, while posters should be submitted as a 1 page
abstract. They should be prepared in the
<https://srm.eg.org/SRM_VCBM12/templates/latex.zip> supplied Eurographics
style and have to be submitted via the
<https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/VCBM_2014> online submission system.
Login with your existing SRM account, or create a new one using the relevant
links. Detailed help on the submission system can be found in the
<https://wiki.eg.org/SRMWiki/index.php/Main_Page> SRM manual. Please note
that the reviewing process will be double-blind, so take care to anonymize
your submission.
Important Dates
* Paper submission: June 19, 2014
* Paper notification: July 31, 2014
* Camera-ready deadline: August 14, 2014
* Poster submission: August 07, 2014
* Poster notification: August 14, 2014
* Workshop: September 4.-5., 2014
All deadlines are at 23:59 CET (UTC + 1) (
<http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html> convert to your
Contact: <mailto:vcbm-chairs@cg.tuwien.ac.at> vcbm-chairs(a)cg.tuwien.ac.at