Tutorial co-located with EuroVis 2018, June 4, 2018, Brno, Czech Republic
Machine Learning Methods in Visualisation will be held as part of EuroVis 2018 in Brno, Czech Republic. After two years of tutorials, the third edition of this co-located event will have a new format to become part-tutorial and part-workshop so as to increase the interaction between researchers. This year, part of the programme will consist of short papers from the machine learning and visualisation communities on how the two technologies can be used together to provide greater insight to end users.
MLVis 2018 solicits short papers of 4 pages excluding references (5 pages in total) on the topic of machine learning methods in visualisation. These should be formatted using the EuroVis 2018 style. The short papers will be published on the EuroVis memory stick and as part of the EG Digital Library. Papers are intended to present works in progress and will be presented during the workshop as a 15 minute presentation (15min + 5min questions). Papers must have both a machine learning and visualisation component or must influence both fields in some way.
The workshop chairs this year plan to review submissions in a single round review cycle. All submissions should be made using the Precision Conference System (PCS).
In the Precision Conference System, please choose EuroVis as the society and MLVis 2018 as the conference when creating your submission.
Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop at EuroVis 2018
Submission | March 2, 2018 |
Notification | March 30, 2018 |
Camera Ready Version | April 20, 2018 |