Two positions open for PostDOC fellowship at the Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technology of the CNR, Genova Dept.
For both positions, the ideal candidates should have a good background in geometry processing, computer science and mathematics.
Candidates with good research experience and programming skills, willing to spend one year with the Shape Modelling Group of IMATI are encouraged to apply.
Details on the research programmes and application procedure can be found at the following links:
1) Reference number IMATI 004 2015 GE: Innovative methods for 3D shape exploration guided by analysis of similarities
Successful candidates will work in an international team, in the application domain of Cultural Heritage.
2) Bando IMATI 005 2015 GE: Innovative methods for the representation and analysis of 3D shapes
Successful candidates will work in an international team, in the application domain of 3D printing.
For any information, please contact: or