International Symposium on Volume Graphics
September 2-3, 2007
The Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
Web Page:
Volume graphics deals with the analysis, synthesis and presentation of
volumetric objects, both static and time-varying. Specifically, it
includes topics related to the acquisition, reconstruction and
transformation of volume data as well as feature analysis, information
extraction and rendering. Research papers are solicited that present
original and unpublished results concerning all aspects of volume
graphics. We especially invite research contributions that report
computational techniques derived from existing knowledge in numerical
analysis, signal processing and statistical modeling. Furthermore,
papers are solicited which demonstrate the efficacy of the methods of
volume graphics towards enhanced practices or understanding of
specific applications in engineering, medicine and physical and
biological sciences.
This 6th occurrence of Volume Graphics has been changed from a
Workshop to a Symposium and is again co-located with the Symposium on
Point-Based Graphics 2007 as well as with the Eurographics 2007
The accepted papers will be published in IEEE/EG sponsored
proceedings, and archived in electronic form in the Eurographics and
IEEE online digital libraries. A selected number of submissions will
be further considered for publication in a major journal in computer
graphics and visualization.
Please refer to for detailed
paper preparation guidelines.
Important Dates
May 11, 2007 Electronic abstract submission deadline (23:59 PDT)
May 18, 2007 Electronic paper submission deadline (23:59 PDT)
June 22, 2007 Author notification
July 06, 2007 Receipt of camera-ready paper (detailed VGTC guidelines)
Primary Symposium Topics
+Representation of Volume Information
+Acquisition and Reconstruction of Volume Data
+Volume Rendering
+Modeling, Transformation and Analysis of Volumetric Objects
+Volume Graphics in Applications
Symposium Chairs
Torsten Moller, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Milos Sramek, OAW Visualisierung, Vienna, Austria
Papers Chairs
Hans-Christian Hege, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
Raghu Machiraju, The Ohio State University, USA
Steering Committee
Min Chen, University of Wales, Swansea, UK
Tom Ertl, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Issei Fujishiro, Tohoku University, Japan
Arie Kaufman, Stony Brook University, USA
Klaus Mueller, Stony Brook University, USA
Honorary Symposium Chair
Arie Kaufman, Stony Brook University, USA
Raghu Machiraju, Associate Professor,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210
Currently on Sabbatical @ Imaging Technology Lab, GE-Global Research,