6th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
May 11-12, 2006, Braga, Portugal
(in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH (agreement is pending))
First Call for Papers
Aims and Scope of the Symposium
Following successful previous workshops/symposia that were held in
Grenoble (F) 2004, Bristol (UK) 1996, Rennes (F) 1998, Girona (E)
2000, and Blaubeuren (D) 2002, we are happy to announce the 6th
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization. The
aim of this symposium is to share experiences and knowledge of
parallel and distributed computing and its application to all aspects
of computer graphics, virtual reality, scientific and engineering
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Cluster based graphics and visualization
Efficient graphics and visualization for shared and distributed memory
Parallel and distributed systems for large and high resolution displays
Parallel and distributed systems for photo-realistic rendering
Parallel volume rendering
Real-time systems for 3D virtual reality
Data coherence in graphics algorithms
Large data set visualization
Large model realistic rendering
Large scale simulations and graphics rendering
Graphics and visualization in grid environments
Parallel simulations for interactive applications
Parallelism within GPU architectures
GPU clusters
The EGPGV Symposium will follow the Eurovis06 Symposium on Visualization and
Eurographics Workshop in Virtual Environments that will take place in
Lisbon, Portugal,
on the same week, from the 8th to the 10th of May, 2006 .
Invited Speakers
Alan Chalmers
Department of Computer Science
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
James T. Klosowski
Visualization Systems
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Papers and Posters Submissions
The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the Eurographics
Proceedings Series.
Selected papers will also be published in a Special Issue of the Journal of
Parallel Computing, following a tradition established on 2004.
A poster session will take place during the symposium. Each poster will
be allowed a 4 page publication in a separate booklet distributed to the
symposium attendees. Students are especially encouraged to submit posters.
There will be a "best paper" award based on the content of the paper and
selected by the Program chairs. There will also be a "best presentation"
award based on the oral presentation and selected by all the symposium
There is a page limit of eight pages for the submitted papers. These
must be prepared as a PDF file adhering strictly to the Eurographics
Submission Instructions.
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 27, January, 2006
Poster Submission Deadline: 15, February, 2006
Notification of Acceptance: 10, March, 2006
Final Paper Submission Deadline: 24, March, 2006
Workshop and Program co-chairs
Luis Paulo Santos, University of Minho
Alan Heirich, Sony Computer Entertainment America
Local Organizers
Ad,rito Marcos, Center for Computer Graphics
Ant¢nio Augusto Sousa, FE, University of Porto
Ant¢nio Ramires Fernandes, DI, University of Minho
Cristina Santos, DEI, University of Minho
JoÆo Lu¡s Sobral, DI, University of Minho
JoÆo Madeiras Pereira, IST/INESC
Luis Paulo Santos, DI, University of Minho
Vitor S , DSI, University of Minho
Program Committee
Dirk Bartz, WSI/GRIS - VCM, University of Tubingen
Georges-Pierre Bonneau, CNRS
Kadi Bouatouch, IRISA
Montserrat Boo Cepeda, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Alan Chalmers, University of Bristol
Paolo Cignoni, IEI - CNR
Thomas Ertl, University of Stuttgart
Issei Fujishiro, Tohoku University
Charles Hansen, University of Utah
Jian Huang, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Ulrich Lang, ZAIG, University of Cologne
Margarita Amor Lopez, University of A Coruna
Kwan-Liu Ma, University of California, Davis
Jamie Painter, BlackMesa Capital
Xavier Pueyo, University of Girona
Eric Reinhard, University of Central Florida
Bengt-Olaf Schneider, NVIDIA
Han-Wei Shen, Ohio State University
Claudio Silva, University of Utah
Philipp Slusallek, Saarland University
Sam Uselton, Consultant
Rdiger Westermann, TU Mnchen
Craig M. Wittenbrink, NVIDIA
Web Page:
For further questions please contact egpgv06(a)di.uminho.pt