Please accept apologies for any cross posting
2009 International Conference on CYBERWORLDS
7-11 September 2009, University of Bradford, UK Sponsored by IEEE Computer
Society and organized in cooperation with ACM
CW2009 will provide an opportunity for academics, scientists and engineers
from around the world to share the latest research, ideas and developments
in the fields of cyberworlds. Papers presenting original research are being
sought in all areas of cyberworlds. The Visual Computing research group at
the School of Informatics, University of Bradford will host CW2009 at the
University of Bradford's main campus.
CW2009 is co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and is in cooperation with
Conference topics include but not limited to:
Visual cyberworlds
Cyberworlds and applications
Cyberethics and cyberlaws.
Modelling and animation in cyberworlds
Virtual reality in cyberworlds
Computer vision and augmented reality
Shared virtual worlds
Bioinformatics for cyberlife and medicine Healthcare in cyberworlds
E-business in cyberworlds Cyberworlds for education Cyberworlds for design
and manufacturing Cyberculture and cyberarts, Cyber social networks
Communication in cyberworlds
Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 8 pages (including
figures and references) in PDF format. Papers should be formatted using the
document templates for conferences sponsored by IEEE. Upon acceptance, the
final revised paper is also required in camera-ready electronic form. The
conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society with
special issues in Virtual Reality Journal
Honorary Chairs:
Prof. R Earnshaw, University of Bradford Prof. T L Kunii, University of
Tokyo Prof. J Vince, University of Bournemouth
General Chairs:
Dr R Qahwaji, University of Bradford
Dr S Ipson, University of Bradford
Program Chairs:
Dr H Ugail, University of Bradford
Prof. P J Willis, University of Bath
Important Dates:
Paper submission 15th April 2009
Notice of acceptance 29th May 2009
Camera-ready paper 30th June 2009
Information and questions: h.ugail(a)bradford.ac.uk or rsrqahwa(a)bradford.ac.uk