Call for Papers -- DMAMH`2007

2nd Workshop on Digital Media and its Application in Museum & Heritage

Dec.10-12, 2007, Chongqing, China


[Post-conference sight-seeing: Three Gorges]

Organized by: VR Committee, China Society of Image and Graphics
Hosted by: Chongqing Institute of Technology, Chongqing, China
Co-Sponsored by: Natural Science Foundation in China
IS&T Society (pending)
General Information:

The 2nd Workshop on Digital Media and its Application in Museum & Heritage (DMAMH’2007) will be organized by the VR Committee, China Society of Image and Graphics. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for researchers in digital media, museum, multimedia community to describe recent advances, to exchange up-to-date technical knowledge and experiences, and to debate their views on future research and developments. Keynote speeches will be delivered by world-renowned experts in the field. Conference proceedings will be published by IEEE publisher (EI index). High-quality papers will be published by international journals in digital media, image, and multimedia fields, we will have two special issues on Journal of Computational Information Systems (EI index, published in USA), International Journal of Virtual Reality (published in USA).

Topics include but are not limited to:

Artificial Reality / Virtual Reality

Teleoperation / Telexistence / Tele-presences


Real Time Computer Simulation

Ubiquitous/Wearable Computing

Geographic Information system (GIS)

Digital Museum

Software Architecture for VR

Immersive Projection Technology

Tools and Techniques for Modeling VR Systems

Virtual Heritage

Image/model retrieval

Communication with Realistic Sensations

Image/model/video Watermarking

Multi-modal Human Interfaces

VR Interaction and Navigation Techniques

Artificial Life and Game

Modeling and Rendering for Heritage

Digital content

VR Input and Output Devices

Interactive Art and Entertainment

VR and Media Art

Papers Submission

Authors are requested to submit full papers (in English) of no more than eight (8) pages (including text, figures and references) describing the original results of their research work. Submissions should be in IEEE format on A4 or 8 1/2" x 11" paper using a single column and 10 to 12 point Times font. Each copy of the paper should have a cover page containing the title of the paper, the names and addresses (including fax and E-mail) of the authors, and an abstract of no more than 200 words. The submission should be directed to:

All papers will be reviewed by at least two referees. The selection criteria will include the accuracy and originality of ideas, the clarity and significance of results, and the quality of the presentation.

Note: Please send your paper to

Important Dates:

Paper Submission Deadline:     Aug. 31, 2007
Notification of Acceptance:      Sept. 20, 2007
Camera-Ready Copy Due:        Sept. 30, 2007
Early registration:             Nov. 15, 2007
On site registration:           Dec.10-12, 2007

Conference Organization

Honorary Co-chairs

Quanli Liu (Chongqing Institute of Technology, China)
Martin Reiser (IMK, Germany)
Adrian Cheok (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Conference Co-chairs
Xiaonan Luo (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
A Elrhalibi (Liverpool John Moores University, UK)
Zhigeng Pan (Zhejiang University, China)

Program Co-chairs

Nuno Correia (New University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Jee-In Kim (Konkuk University, Korea)
Jinyuan Jia (Tongji University, China)
Financial Chair
Mingmin Zhang (Zhejiang University, China)

Publicity co-chairs:

Jim Chen, USA
Xuelong Li, UK
Huagen Wan, China
Publication chair:
Mingyong Pang (Nanjing Normal University, China)

Organizing Co-Chairs

Yue Wang (Chongqing Institute of Technology, China)
Zhuang Chen (Chongqing Institute of Technology, China)
General Secretary
Jianxun Zhang (Chongqing Institute of Technology, China)
For further information, please contact:
General Secretary