The Red Dragon, Y Ddraig Goch, is the famous emblem of Wales and appears on the national flag. On the occasion of the first ever visit of the Eurographics conference to this country at Llandudno in April 2011, we are pleased to release this high resolution 3D mesh of  the Welsh Dragon into the public domain for use in your research.  Our hope is that those of you participating in the conference willl use this model to help demonstrate you latest research ideas.

Note that submisions are still open for Short papers, Education papers, Area Papers and the Dirk Bartz Prize for Visual Computing in Medicine.

Diolch yn fawr

The EG2011 Local organising team

-- Mae'r e-bost yma'n amodol ar delerau ac amodau ymwadiad e-bost Prifysgol Bangor. Gellir darllen testun llawn yr ymwadiad yma:
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