**** GAMES 2006 Congress ****

         International Digital Games Conference
                        (iDig 2006)

                    September 26-28, 2006
                    Portalegre, Portugal

                    First Call for Papers

In the scope of the GAMES 2006 Congress, the
first International Digital Games Conference
(iDiG Conference) aims to promote excellence in
research, creativity, and innovation in games
related areas. It constitutes a privileged forum
to foment interdisciplinary collaboration and
cooperation between industry and academia.

The goal of the conference is to get everyone
related to digital games together to promote a
comprehensive discussion of game issues and share visions of future gaming.

Papers containing ongoing research or fresh
results are most welcome. Both full papers (up to
12 pages) and short papers (up to 4 pages) can be submitted to the conference.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
.       Game Concept Design
.       Storytelling and Game Narrative
.       Game Criticism
.       Game Programming & Engine
.       Game Rendering & Animations
.       Computer Vision
.       Audio & Music
.       Visual Arts
.       Game AI & Artificial Life
.       Game Physics
.       Networking Games
.       Online Games
.       Mobile Games
.       Affective Interaction in Games & Virtual Reality
.       Business & Project Management

All proposals will follow a process of blind
peer-review by the Scientific Committee on the
basis of its originality, technical quality,
style and clarity of presentation, and in its
relevance to the field. Prospective authors are
expected to present their paper at the conference.

At the present moment, the conference
organization is working on an agreement with a
major scientific publisher for the proceedings.

         Full Paper Submission Deadline: 9, June
         Short Paper Submission Deadline: 30, June
         Notification of Acceptance (full papers):  21, July
         Notification of Acceptance (short papers): 28, July
         Final Paper Submission (both short and full): 4, August

         José Dionísio, Instituto Superior Técnico
         António Ramires Fernandes, Universidade do Minho

         John Sutherland, Abertay University
         Frans Mäyrä, University of Tempere / DiGRA
         Stephane Natkin, CNAM
         Paulo Gomes, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre / APROJE
         A. Augusto de Sousa, Universidade do Porto / APROJE
         Luis Teixeira, Universidade Católica Portuguesa / APROJE

         Adérito Marcos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
         Alan Chalmers, Bristol University, UK
         Ann DeMarle, Champlain College, US
         António Coelho, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
         Bary W. Pollack, Sierra Nevada College, US
         Brian Winn, Michigan State University, US
         Catherine Pelachaud, Univesity of Paris 8, France
         Cécile Le Prado, ENJMIN, France
         David Adrian Cheock, Mixed reality laboratory / NTU, Singapure
         Didier Stricker, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
         Dmitri Williams, University of Illinois, US
         Frank Schoeffel, VRCOM, Germany
         Gabriel Zachmann, Bonn University, Germany
         Gastão Marques, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Portugal
         Gerber Ramalho, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
         Glyn Heatley, Algoma University College, Canada
         Gonzalo Frasca, TU University of Copenhague, Denmark
         Janet H. Murray, Georgia Institute of Technology, US
         Jesper Juul, TU University of Copenhague, Denmark
         Jesse Schell, Carnegie Mellon University, US
         João Madeiras Pereira, Instituto Superior Técnico / INESC, Portugal
         John Sutherland, Abertay University, UK
         José Creissac Campos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
         José Miguel Salles Dias, ISCTE / MICROSOFT, Portugal
         Katherine Isbister, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US
         Lee Sheldon, Anti-LinearLogic, US
         Leonard Paul, Vancouver Film School / Electronic Arts, Canada
         Licinio Roque, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
         Luís Filipe B. Teixeira, Universidade Lusofona, Portugal
         Luis Filipe Marcelino, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
         Luís Paulo Santos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
         Manuel Próspero dos Santos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
         Marcos Fernández Marín, Valencia University / ARTEC, Spain
         Mark H. Overmars, Utrecht University, Netherland
         Mauro Figueiredo, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
         Mehdi Qas, Univesity of Wolverhampton, UK
         Nelson Zagalo, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
         Pascal Estraillier, Université de la Rochelle, France
         Peter Astheimer, Glasgow ITI University, UK
         Philippe Martins, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Portugal
         Rafael Bidarra, Delft University of Technology, Netherland
         Raquel Morais, Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portugal
         Rui Bastos, NVIDIA, US
         Stephan Gruenvogel, University of Berlin, Germany
         Stephane Natkin, ENJMIN / CNAM, France
         Stephen Jacobs, Rochester Institute of Technology, US
         Susan Gold, Sierra Nevada College, US
         Tony Manninen, University of Oulu, Finland
         Verónica Orvalho, Dynamic Simulation Lab, Argentine
         Veronica Zammito, Angry Machine, US
         Yansheng Wang, Chinese Academy of Science, China


A. Augusto de Sousa
|FEUP/DEEC                   | INESC Porto                |
|Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 378  | Campus da FEUP             |
|4200-465 Porto              | Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 378 |
|PORTUGAL                    | 4200-465 Porto             |
|                            | PORTUGAL                   |
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