Call for Papers
Co-Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics
4-5 August 2007, San Diego, California
Paper deadline: Monday, 9 April 2007
Please see the CFP below for full details.
Graphics Hardware is a highly visible, established international
forum for exchanging experience and knowledge related to computer
graphics hardware. The event, held annually since 1986, offers a
unique perspective on graphics hardware by combining discussions and
constructive critique of innovative concepts as well as product-level
designs. It is an inclusive forum for the entire graphics hardware
community and brings together researchers, engineers, and architects.
The program features two days of paper and industry presentations,
with ample time for discussion during breaks, lunches, and the
workshop banquet. This year's event will be held in San Diego,
California, jointly with Siggraph.
Our website is located at
Monday, April 9
Deadline for paper submissions (11:59 pm Pacific Daylight Time)
Thursday, May 10
Notification of acceptance
Friday, May 18
Camera-ready papers due
Saturday-Sunday, August 4-5
Papers Track
We invite high-quality, original papers on all aspects of computer
graphics hardware describing either proven and tested solutions or novel
ideas and concepts. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
* Graphics accelerator architectures
* Performance measurement, modelling, and optimization
* Exploitation of new memory technologies for 3D graphics
* Graphics for mobile devices
* Integrated graphics chipsets
* Hardware support for image-based rendering
* Volume rendering architectures
* Hardware support of new surface representations
* Multi-processor architectures for graphics
* Load balancing in graphics systems
* Space, screen, and model partitioning
* Software-hardware interfaces
* Hardware accelerated rendering
* Programmable graphics processors
* Shading language implementation
* Vertex, geometry, and pixel programming techniques
* GPU-related compression/decompression techniques
* Programming techniques for data-parallel problems
* Hardware support for video processing
* Novel display technologies
* General Purpose GPU papers which meet all of:
- Graphics hardware is essential to the method
- New and non-obvious algorithmic changes are required to run on
graphics hardware
- The algorithm is likely to influence GPU designs or have lasting
value as GPUs change
Paper length:
There is no fixed maximum length for a paper. However, the magnitude of
the contribution must be proportional to the length of the paper, and
papers longer than eight typeset pages in the final Eurographics format
must make a very significant contribution to get accepted. Papers of
four or fewer pages will be held to a less strict standard of citation
and description of related work (comparison to the strongest alternative
techniques is still important, but an exhaustive review is not
necessary). All accepted papers are treated equally, i.e., printed in
the proceedings and presented at the conference.
Submission info:
Authors are invited to upload papers electronically in Adobe PDF format
by visiting
Submissions should follow the formatting guidelines on We encourage anonymous
submissions (in which the paper contains no information identifying the
authors) whenever possible.
Video sequences in QuickTime, MPEG or AVI format may be submitted using
the electronic submission system.
Papers Chairs:
Timo Aila (NVIDIA)
Mark Segal (AMD)
Papers Committee:
Kurt Akeley (Microsoft Research)
Tomas Akenine-Moeller (Lund University)
Remi Arnaud (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Avi Bleiweiss (AMD)
Frank Crow (NVIDIA)
Mike Doggett (AMD)
Gordon Elder (AMD)
Thomas Ertl (University of Stuttgart)
Naga Govindaraju (Microsoft)
Stefan Guthe (NVIDIA)
Mark Harris (NVIDIA)
John Hart (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Justin Hensley (AMD)
Greg Humphreys (University of Virginia)
Bill Mark (UT Austin)
Jason Mitchell (Valve Software)
Steve Molnar (NVIDIA)
John Montrym (NVIDIA)
Henry Moreton (NVIDIA)
Petri Nordlund (AMD)
Marc Olano (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Timour Paltashev (S3 Graphics)
Matt Pharr (Neoptica)
Tim Purcell (NVIDIA)
Bengt-Olaf Schneider (NVIDIA)
Peter-Pike Sloan (Microsoft)
Marc Stamminger (University of Erlangen)
Robert Strzodka (Stanford)
Michael Wimmer (TU Wien)
Craig Wittrenbrink (NVIDIA)
Questions? Please contact papers2007(a)
To facilitate sending announcements to those interested in Graphics
Hardware, we have moved our mailing list onto a listserv. We hope this
will be more convenient for attendees, organizers, and all others who
are interested in graphics hardware alike. We promise this will be an
low-volume mailing list, limited to the call for papers, the
announcement of the GH program, and the wrapup email. To subscribe or
unsubscribe, visit