
EUROGRAPHICS 2013 - ** Call for Student Volunteers **


34th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics


May 6th to 10th, 2013


Girona, Spain





Student Volunteers


EG2013 offers, with the inestimable collaboration of the EUROGRAPHICS Spanish Chapter, some (8) grant aids for students to participate to the conference as student volunteers.


Candidates have to be graduate students (master or PhD students) and must have a good knowledge of English, the official language of the conference. Authors of any of the tracks activities (papers, STAR, short papers...) are excluded. The maximum dedication will be about half the duration of the conference. You will be asked to be available from Sunday May 5th early afternoon to Friday May 10th early afternoon.


The EUROGRAPHICS Spanish Chapter grants the volunteers with lodging, breakfast and a little pocket money for dinners. Lunch is offered at the conference with conference attendees.


If you are interested, please send your application with the following information:

- Name

- Phone number or Skype id

- A (low-res) scanned copy of a valid student ID card.

- Studies you are undertaking.

- Name of the university/institute/lab

- Short letter explaining why are you interested to attend EG2013.


Send this information

- to conferencechairs@eg2013.udg.edu with the subject: EG2013 Student Volunteer

- no later than February 28th