TUM is the first university in Germany to reinforce its recruitment policy by a comprehensive tenure track system. Based on best international standards and transparent performance criteria, TUM FACULTY TENURE TRACK offers quality-oriented academic career options for high-potential young scientists, from the appointment as Assistant Professor through a permanent position as Associate Professor and on to Full Professor.
The TUM Department of Informatics invites applications for a
Initially pay-scale grade W2, to be filled as soon as possible.
We are looking for an excellent scientist with a high potential for developing an internationally recognized research agenda in the field of Games Engineering. The successful candidate is expected to conduct research and teaching in Games Engineering. The candidate should have comprehensive skills – including a university degree – in computer science. We are expecting a research record in at least one of the following fields: Realtime Rendering, Computer Animation, Visual Simulation. We are seeking for applicants who have gained experience in industrial game development, with a focus on the technical realization of immersive 3D computer games.
We expect the candidate to actively take part in the Bachelor and upcoming Master program Informatics: Games Engineering, and to have an ability to pursue scientific research at international level in one of the addressed fields. Teaching assignments include courses in the subject area and the basic courses offered by the department as well as courses for other academic TUM departments. The ability to teach in English and German is a prerequisite for TUM Professors.
The initial appointment will be for 6 years. After positive evaluation in the final year, the candidate is tenured on an Associate Professor level. Tenure evaluation may be initiated after a minimum of three years only in exceptional cases, justified by extraordinarily outstanding achievements or in regard of particularly strategic significance in shaping the university’s profile.
Eligible candidates typically hold a doctorate, have established a strong track record in the postdoctoral phase, and demonstrate pedagogical and personal aptitude as well as substantial international experience. Family leave will be taken into consideration.
Supported by competitive start-up resources, candidates are expected to develop an independent and vigorous research program. Furthermore, candidates should be committed to excellence in undergraduate/graduate teaching and in supervising PhD students.
As part of the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments, TUM has been pursuing the strategic goal of substantially increasing the diversity of its faculty. As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, TUM explicitly encourages nominations of and applications from women as well as from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university’s research and teaching strategies. Preference will be given to disabled candidates with essentially the same qualifications. The TUM Munich Dual Career Office provides support for dual career couples and families.
Applications accompanied by supporting documentation (CV, certificates, credentials, list of publications including 3 selected reprints, list of courses taught, and presentation of research and teaching strategies, names and addresses of at least 3 references) should be submitted by October 15, 2012 to:
Dekan der Fakultät für Informatik
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 3, D-85748 Garching (Germany)
E-Mail: bewerbung.dekanat@in.tum.de