Dear Colleague,

I would like to draw your attention to a new event in October 2005:

GALA - Gathering of Animated Lifelike Agents.

GALA is an annual festival meant, first of all but not exclusively, for students, to showcase novel applications of and tools for animated lifelike agents. There will be prizes for students’ submissions, but the main benefit both for the participants and the broad community will be the forum - also a permanent on-line GALA Gallery with the best entries - where recent works in the ECA field can be seen. Also, we wish to stimulate students’ work.

The deadline for 2-4 minutes movie submissions is 30 June.

More information on submission tracks - students and others - , the two submission categories - application and creation - , and on location, organizers etc. is available at GALA web page:

Please, make your students and colleagues aware of this event, by distributing the enclosed call electronically and/or in printed form. Encourage your students to submit their work, done as a student project for a course or as part of an ongoing research project.

Thank you for your cooperation. Any question or suggestion is welcome.

With regards,

Zsofia Ruttkay
Chair of GALA

Zsófia Ruttkay                          
Associate Professor, Human Media Interaction, 
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Twente

e-mail:             office: Zilverling 2033
tel:    00 31 53 489 2836 or 3740               smail:  POBox 217                       
fax:    00 31 53 489 3503                               7500 AE Enschede
url:                        The Netherlands