The Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) 2013 opens its second decade on
July 3-5 in Genova, Italy.

Early registration is still open. Please see:

This year, the conference features four invited speakers, a two-day graduate school (July 1-2), and
a high quality papers program. See links below:

Conference program:
Invited speakers:
Graduate school:

Furthermore, we will have a poster session, as well as

Co-located CEBA workshop:
Software Award:

Best paper awards will be selected and announced at the end of the conference.

The conference is organized by the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, CNR,
and will be held in Genova, Italy, at the Area della Ricerca di Genova. We will welcome SGP participants
with a cocktail at the Aquarium of Genova, the Europe’s largest marine park set against the incomparable
backdrop of the Gulf of Genoa. The conference dinner is organized in a wonderful location: Palazzo della
Meridiana is one of the Palazzi dei Rolli, a system of 42 Genoese buildings that in 2006 became a Unesco
World Heritage Site.

SGP 2013 is run in-cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH and is sponsored by Microsoft Research and
Disney Research.

We hope to see many of you in Genova!

Conference chairs (
- Bianca Falcidieno (CNR)
- Michela Spagnuolo (CNR)

Program chairs (
- Yaron Lipman (Weizmann)
- Hao (Richard) Zhang (SFU)