Call for papers

Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished research and application papers addressing all areas of 3D/4D Object Retrieval. State-of-the-art papers on specific topics of interest are particularly welcome. Submissions are invited in the form of full papers, which will be peer-reviewed by a two-stage review process, and published as a special section of Computers & Graphics Journal (Elsevier). Also, short papers are invited, which will follow a one-stage review process and will appear in the Eurographics Digital Library.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

· 3D shape analysis

· 3D shape similarity and matching

· 3D mesh sequence retrieval

· 3D mobile media retrieval

· 3D search in large scale data

· 3D object classification, indexing, and mining

· Similarity of non-rigid shapes

· Shape correspondence

· 3D shape decomposition, and segmentation

· Partial, part-in-whole, and many-to-many matching

· Matching under uncertainty and noise

· Semantics-driven 3D object retrieval and classification

· Sketch-based retrieval

· Query interfaces and search modalities

· Benchmarking issues

· Deep learning for 3D shape retrieval

· Generative/discriminative approaches in 3D object categorisation

· Visual Analytics for 3D similarity assessment

· Applications in all areas relevant to 3D/4D objects, including multimedia and information systems, CAD, architecture, games, biometrics, e-science, e-learning, medicine, biology, and cultural heritage, among others.

3DOR - September 1st and 2nd, 2022