3DimPVT 2012 : Call for Papers
Paper submission: July 1st (registered BMVC submissions need to be registered by July 1st and submitted by July 7th, please see http://www.3dimpvt.org/ for details)
Notification: August 15th
Camera ready: September 1st
Conference: October 13-15
The interest in acquiring and creating 3D representations of the world is ever increasing. 3DimPVT provides a premier platform for disseminating research results covering a broad variety of topics in the area of 3D research in computer vision and graphics, from novel optical sensors, signal processing, geometric modeling, representation and transmission, to visualization and applications.
The conference will be held in Zurich, Switzerland. Accepted papers will be presented in single-track oral and poster sessions. Full details on the paper format, electronic submission procedure and conference venue are available on http://www.3dimpvt.org/. This year 3DimPVT will be collocated with the 3D-TV conference, which follows 3DimPVT in the same venue at ETH Zurich, allowing participants to attend two conferences on 3D research in computer vision, graphics and transmission.
In addition, for overseas travelers planning to attend ECCV 2012 in Florence (Oct. 7-13), Zurich can function as an efficient hub with direct connections to many places worldwide, as well as three daily flights to Florence.
General chair: Marc Pollefeys, ETH
Program chairs: Jan-Michael Frahm, UNC
Olga Sorkine, ETH
Publication chair: Enrique Dunn, UNC
Local chairs: Ama‘l Delaunoy, ETH Zurich
Susanne Keller, ETH Zurich
Web chair: Ama‘l Delaunoy, ETH Zurich
Demo &
Industrial liaison chair: Andrea Fossati, ETH Zurich
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
3D cameras and sensors
Real-time 3D systems
Automated view planning
3D sensor calibration
Image-based modeling
Shape and appearance modeling
4D capture and change detection
Image- and video-based rendering
Interactive modeling
Augmented and mixed reality
3D printing and rapid prototyping
Psychophysics of 3D sensing
Geometric signal processing
Multi-resolution 3D representations
3D shape retrieval and recognition
Shape analysis and morphology
3D compression and transmission
Reverse engineering
Dimensional inspection & metrology
Cultural heritage & architecture
3D television
3D tele-immersion
Forensics and security
Program Committee:
Daniel Aliaga
Peter Allen
Roland Angst
Ilya Baran
Adrien Bartoli
Jean-Charles Bazin
Horst Bischof
Tamy Boubekeur
Pierre Boulanger
Edmond Boyer
Michael Brown
Umberto Castellani
Rama Chellappa
Baoquan Chen
Brian Clipp
Carsten Dachsbacher
Kostas Daniliidis
Andrew Davison
Edilson de Aguiar
Amael Delaunoy
Frank Dellaert
Emlar Eisemann
Peter Eisert
Robert Fisher
Wolfgang Foerstner
Jean-Sebastien Franco
Yasutaka Furukawa
David Gallup
Pierre Georgel
Guy D. Godin
Michael Goesele
Radek Grzeszczuk
Li Guan
Diego Gutierrez
David Harmon
Alexander Hornung
Ivo Ihrke
Ladislav Kavan
Seon Joo Kim
Ron Kimmel
Reinhard Klein
Leif Kobbelt
Reinhard Koch
Kevin Koeser
Jochen Lang
Bastian Leibe
Feng Liu
Ligang Liu
Marcus Magnor
Gerard Medioni
Philippos Mordohai
Richard Newcombe
Tomas Pajdla
Daniele Panozzo
Tiberiu Popa
Voicu Popescu
Rahul Raguram
Bodo Rosenhahn
Sebastien Roy
Holly Rushmeier
Radim Sara
Pradeep Sen
Andrei Sharf
Alla Sheffer
Yaser Sheik
Sudipta Sinha
Noah Snavely
Oliver Staadt
Marc Stamminger
Ioannis Stamos
Jurgen Sturm
Gabriel Taubin
Holger Theisel
Christian Theobalt
Luiz Velho
Michael Wand
Ofir Weber
Changchang Wu
Ruigang Yang
Christopher Zach
Guofeng Zhang
Li Zhang