Preliminary Program
Streamline Expansion and Finding Closed Streamlines
(Xiaoqiang Zheng and Alex Pang).
Streamline Predicates as Flow Topology Generalization
(Tobias Salzbrunn and Gerik Scheuermann).
Topology-supported analysis of flow separation and vortex generation
(Filip Sadlo and Ronny Peikert).
Hierarchical topological features of 3D vector fields
(Thomas Klein and Thomas Ertl).
Global Field Invariant and Local Vortex Axis Invariant Analysis for Flow Prediction
(Markus Ruetten).
Topological Methods for Analysis and Visualization of Transient Magnetic Field in a Tokamak Fusion Reactor
(X. Tricoche, C. Garth, A. Sanderson and S. Kruger).
Deficits in Topology Based Flow Feature Analysis
(Julia Ebling and Gerik Scheuermann).
Focus+Context Visualization of Features and Topological Structures
(Eduard Gr�ller, Ivan Viola and Stefan Bruckner).
Topology-Based Approaches to Flow Visualization and their Application in Industry
(Robert S. Laramee, Helmut Doleisch and Helwig Hauser).
On the Applicability of Topological Methods for Complex Flow Data
(Holger Theisel, Tino Weinkauf, Hans-Christian Hege, Hans-Peter Seidel).
An Out-of-Core Approach to Tracking Critical Points in Time-Dependent Vector Fields using Feature Flow Fields
(Tino Weinkauf, Holger Theisel, Hans-Christian Hege and Hans-Peter Seidel).
Extraction and Visualization of Swirl and Tumble Motion from Engine Simulation Data
(Christoph Garth, Robert S. Laramee and Xavier Tricoche).
In addition, there will be a number of panel discussions concerning current problems in the topological visualization of flow fields