A female post-doctoral researcher is being sought to join the Institute of Computer
Graphics and Knowledge Visualization (see
http://www.cgv.tugraz.at for details of the
group) at the Graz University of Technology. The position is open to women only in order
to increase the percentage of female scientific staff at the Faculty of Computer
Technology and Biomedical Engineering.
Position Number: 7110/14/011. The full-time position is restricted to 6 years with the
possibility to gain tenure if agreed qualifications have been met. Gross salary: € 48.766
p.a. Expected starting date: 1. July.
Requirements: A PhD in technical sciences (information technology or mathematics). The
applicant has excellent written and spoken English and German language skills, and
experience in acquisition and management of scientific projects.
The Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization conducts applied research
at the interface of computer graphics, simulation science and digital libraries. In the
coming years we intent to focus our research on defining an efficient and reduced
representation for freeform surfaces. Parallel to this is the question on how to
efficiently analyse and simulate the behavior of freeform structures.
We are seeking a highly motivated researcher interested in the field of geometry
processing and computer aided geometric design, with an expertise in subdivision surfaces.
Experience with isogeometric analysis based on subdivision surfaces is a plus.
The work of a successful candidate will include the scientific development of the above
described area of research, acquisition and coordination of scientific projects, teaching
and developing courses, and supervision of Bachelor and Master Theses.
For details and requirements see the official announcement:
The interested applicant should send documents, including application letter, curriculum
vitae, and number of reference of open position to Graz Technical University, the dean of
the Faculty of Information Technology and Biomedical Engineering, Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing.
Dr.techn. Franz Wotawa, Inffeldgasse 10/II, A-8010 Graz (
<mailto:informatik@tugraz.at> informatik(a)tugraz.at). Application deadline: 9. April