Call for Participation
3rd Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval
2nd May 2010, Norrköping, Sweden
3D object representations have become an integral part of modern computer
graphics applications, such as computer-aided design, game development and
film production. At the same time, 3D data have become very common in
domains such as computer vision, computational geometry, molecular biology,
and medicine. The rapid evolution in graphics hardware and software
development, in particular the availability of low cost 3D scanners, has
greatly facilitated 3D model acquisition, creation and manipulation, giving
the opportunity to experience applications using 3D models to a large user
community. As the number of 3D models is continuously growing fast, the
problem of creating new 3D models has shifted to the problem of searching
for existing 3D models. Thereupon, the development of efficient search
mechanisms is required for the effective retrieval of 3D objects from large
The 3rd Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval will stimulate
researchers from different fields (computer vision, computer graphics,
machine learning and human-computer interaction) to work on the common goal
of 3D object retrieval. It will thus provide a cross-fertilization ground
fostering the next steps in this important research area.
The workshop program features a set of exciting paper and poster
presentations addressing shape descriptor definition; view- and part-based
retrieval; feature selection and learning; and face retrieval and
benchmarking. The workshop hosts the Shape Retrieval Contest (SHREC'10)
which plays an important role in the evolution of 3D Object Retrieval
research. Presentations of contest participants will detail the results of
the competition, demonstrating the state of the art in important 3D
retrieval tasks.
Accepted Full Papers
Robust Volumetric Shape Descriptor
Raif Rustamov
A Robust 3D Interest Points Detector Based on Harris Operator
Ivan Sipiran, Benjamin Bustos
Semantic-Driven Approach for Automatic Selection of Best Views of 3D Shapes
Hamid Laga
The Fast Reject Schema for Part-in-Whole 3D Shape Matching
Marco Attene, Simone Marini, Michela Spagnuolo, Bianca Falcidieno
Feature Selection for Enhanced Spectral Shape Comparison
Simone Marini, Giuseppe Patane, Michela Spagnuolo, Bianca Falcidieno
Learning the Compositional Structure of Man-Made Objects for 3D Shape
Raoul Wessel, Reinhard Klein
3D Facial Expression Recognition using Minimal-Redundancy Maximal-Relevance
SIFT Features
Stefano Berretti, Boulbaba Ben Amor, Mohamed Daoudi, Alberto del Bimbo
Fast Human Classification of 3D Object Benchmarks
Jonathan Corney, William Regli
Accepted Posters
3D Shape Classification Based on Multi-scale Integral OrientationsAsim
Wagan, Stephane Bres, Afzal Godil 3D Object Recognition and Person Facial
Identification Using Time-averaged Single-views from Time-of-flight 3D
Depth-CameraFabien Moutarde, Hui Ding, Ayet Shaiek A New Functionality-based
Benchmark for Basic CAD Model RetrievalKaimo Hu, Bin Wang, Yi Gao, Dong Li,
Junhai Yong Shape Similarity Assessment Approach for CAD Models Based on
Graph Edit DistanceBin Wang, Dong Li, Kaimo Hu, Hui Zhang
SHREC'2010 - SHape REtrieval Contest 2010 List of Tracks
Protein ModelsOrganizers: Lazaros Mavridis, Vishwesh Venkatraman, David W.
Ritchie (INRIA - Nancy Grand Est)Web page: Range ScansOrganizers: Helin
Dutagaci, Afzal Godil (National Institute of Standards and Technology)Web
page: Generic
3D WarehouseOrganizers: Vanamali Thiruvadandam Porethi, Afzal Godil, Benny
Cheung, Helin Dutagaci (National Institute of Standards and Technology)Web
Feature Detection and DescriptionOrganizers: Alexander Bronstein, Michael
Bronstein (Technion), Maks Ovsjanikov, Leonidas Guibas (Stanford
University), Umberto Castellani (University of Verona)Web page: RobustnessOrganizers:
Alexander Bronstein, Michael Bronstein (Technion), Maks Ovsjanikov, Leonidas
Guibas (Stanford University), Umberto Castellani (University of Verona)Web
CorrespondencesOrganizers: Alexander Bronstein, Michael Bronstein
(Technion), Maks Ovsjanikov, Leonidas Guibas (Stanford University), Umberto
Castellani (University of Verona)Web page: Non-rigid ShapesOrganizers:
Zhouhui Lian, Afzal Godil (National Institute of Standards and
Technology)Web page: Large
Scale RetrievalOrganizers: Geert-Jan Giezeman, Remco Veltkamp (Utrecht
University)Web page:
Workshop Organization
Workshop Chairs
a.. Mohamed Daoudi (TELECOM Lille1 / LIFL, France)
b.. Tobias Schreck (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany)
Program Chairs
a.. Michela Spagnuolo (IMATI-CNR, Italy)
b.. Ioannis Pratikakis (IIT / NCSR Demokritos, Greece)
c.. Remco Veltkamp (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
d.. Theoharis Theoharis (Department of Informatics, University of Athens,
International Program Committee
a.. Philipos Azariadis (University of the Aegean, Greece)
b.. Atilla Baskurt (INSA Lyon, France)
c.. Stefano Berretti (University of Florence, Italy)
d.. Benjamin Bustos (University of Chile, Chile)
e.. Petros Daras (Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece)
f.. Bianca Falcidieno (IMATI-CNR, Italy)
g.. Dieter W. Fellner (Fraunhofer IGD, Germany)
h.. Daniela Giorgi (IMATI-CNR, Italy)
i.. Frank Ter Haar (TNO Defence, Security and Safety, The Netherlands)
j.. Ioannis Kakadiaris (Houston University, USA)
k.. Simone Marini (IMATI-CNR, Italy)
l.. Ron Kimmel (Technion, Israel)
m.. Georgios Papaioannou (AUEB, Greece)
n.. Eric Paquet (CNRC, Canada)
o.. Nicholas Patrikalakis (MIT, USA)
p.. Stavros Perantonis (IIT / NCSR Demokritos, Greece)
q.. Karthik Ramani (Purdue University, USA)
r.. William Regli (Drexel University, USA)
s.. Marcos Rodrigues (University of Sheffield, UK)
t.. Nickolas S. Sapidis (University of the Aegean, Greece)
u.. Dietmar Saupe (University of Konstanz, Germany)
v.. Ariel Shamir (The Interdisciplinary Center, Israel)
w.. Daniel Thalmann (EPFL, Switzerland)
x.. Theodore Trafalis (University of Oklahoma, USA)
y.. Jean-Philippe Vandeborre (TELECOM Lille1 / LIFL, France)
z.. Anne Verroust (INRIA, France)
Program, Registration, and Travel Information
The workshop program is available via the workshop web site
at: Workshop registration
is possible via the EG'2010 registration website
at: Travel to Norrköping is very
easy, with a number of options available.Full details of travel information
can be found on the EG'2010 website