**** EUROGRAPHICS 2013 ****
34th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics
May 6th to 10th, 2013
Girona, Spain
Eurographics 2013, the 34th Annual Conference of the European
Association for Computer Graphics, will take place from May 13
to May 18 in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. It will be organized by
CRS4 Visual Computing and University of Cagliari. Eurographics 2012
will provide a unique platform for the computer graphics community
to showcase latest techniques and educational work, and to
explore new trends and ideas.
Authors are invited to submit original work presenting fundamental
research, practice and experience, or novel applications in all areas of
computer graphics and related topics thereof.
Please note that an abstract submission is required one week before the
full papers deadline to assist the papers chairs in allocating reviewers
and ensure that the review process runs to time.
Important dates (http://eg2013.udg.edu/importantDates.shtml):
Full paper abstracts: Friday, 21/Sep/2012
Full papers: Friday, 28/Sep/2012
STARs: Sunday,30/Sep/2012
Tutorial abstracts: Sunday, 7/Oct/2012
Tutorials: Wednesday, 31/Oct/2012
Short Papers: Sunday, 2/Dec/2012
Education Papers: Sunday, 2/Dec/2012
Posters: Sunday, 3/Feb/2013
Lab Presentations: Sunday, 3/Feb/2013
Dirk Bartz Prize: Monday, 26/Nov/2012
Committees (http://eg2013.udg.edu/committees.shtml):
Conference Chairs (conferencechairs@eg2013.udg.edu)
Xavier Pueyo, Universitat de Girona
Pere Brunet, Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya
Papers Chairs (ipcchairs@2013.udg.edu)
Isabel Navazo, Universistat Politcnica de Catalunya
Pierre Poulin, UniversitŽ de MontrŽal
Tutorial Chairs (tutorialschairs@eg2013.udf.edu)
Diego GutiŽrrez, Universidad de Zaragoza
Karol Myszkowski, Max-Planck-Intitut fŸr Informatik
Short Papers Chairs (shortpaperschairs@eg2013.udg.edu)
Miguel-Angel Otaduy, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Olga Sorkine, ETH Zurich
STAR Chairs (starchairs@eg2013.udg.edu)
Mateo Sbert, Universitat de Girona
L‡szl— Szirmay-Kalos, Technical University of Budapest
Education Chairs (educationchairs@eg2013.udg.edu)
Eva Cerezo, Universidad de Zaragoza
Jean-Jacques Bourdin, UniversitŽ Paris 8
Steve Cunningham, Brown Cunningham Associates
Posters Chairs (posterschairs@wg2013.udg.edu)
Miguel Chover, Universitat Jaume I
A. Augusto de Sousa, Universidade do Porto
Labs Presentation (labspresentationchairs@eg2013.udg.edu)
Juan Carlos Torres, Universidad de Granada
Anatole LŽcuyer, INRIA-Rennes
Industrial Seminars and Exhibition (exhibitionchairs@eg2013.udg.edu)
Francisco-Jose Ser—n, Universidad de Zaragoza
Lu’s Matey, CEIT (Donostia)