Sorry for duplicates.
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to participate in the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2015 ( by submitting a poster. Posters provide an informal but interactive forum in which authors can present their work to symposium attendees during the poster session and during conference breaks. They describe works-in-progress, novel ideas, novel systems, or present the latest implemented applications. Posters are a great way to let others in the 3DUI community know about your work as well as an opportunity to discuss and make potential collaborations!
Poster submissions should be within the scope of three-dimensional user interfaces.
We would also like to introduce a subtle shift in focus for 3D UI research. Given that this is the 10th annual 3DUI Symposium, and that significant progress has been mode over the years to address the “classic five” low-level interaction tasks of Selection, Manipulation, Navigation, Symbolic Input, and System Control, we strongly encourage posters that attempt to address higher-level tasks that draw on three or more of the lower-level tasks.
Topics of the symposium include (but not limited to):
* 3D input devices
* 3D display and sensory feedback
* 3D interaction techniques
* 3D user interface metaphors
* Mobile 3DUIs
* Non-fatiguing 3DUIs
* Desktop 3DUIs
* 3DUIs for VR and AR
* Evaluation methods for 3DUIs
* Human perception of 3D interaction
* Collaborative 3D interaction
* Applications of 3DUIs: Games, entertainment, CAD, education, etc.
Authors should submit an extended abstract as a two-page manuscript in the IEEE 3DUI Proceedings format. It is recommended that authors submit a draft of your actual poster in pdf format. Poster sizes should be no more than 36” x 48” (any orientation). Please submit your extended abstract in camera-ready format.
Important Dates:
* Posters Abstract Submission Due – December 28, 2014 (midnight PST)
* Author Notification – January 6, 2015 (midnight PST)
* Final Camera-Ready Abstracts - January 10, 2015 (midnight PST)
Authors of accepted poster submissions are expected to prepare a final version of their two page extended abstract and present their poster at the conference in a special poster session and at designated poster breaks. Authors will also give a 1-minute presentation of their poster during the poster fast forward session. Specific details will be sent to authors later.
Poster submissions should be in the form of a two page manuscript prepared in IEEE VGTC format and will appear in the printed proceedings. Please submit all materials via
Please see for more details on the submission guidelines.
Thank You!
IEEE 3DUI 2015 Poster Chairs
Amy Banic, University of Wyoming, USA
Christoph Borst, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Robert Teather, McMaster University, Canada
Contact: posters.chairs[at]