Dear all,
The registrations for the Eurographics conference 2023 are now open. You can
the information link on <> and
the registration link on <>
If you want to beneficiate from an early bird rate you need to register and
send payment before February 8.
The conference will take place from 8th to 12th May 2023 in Saarbrücken,
Germany. This year, the conference will be strictly an onsite event again,
and remote participation will not be possible. We hope that this will
stimulate direct personal exchange, and we ask you to also encourage your
students and postdocs to attend. A special student discount is available
(student registration / big buddy passport). Please, remember that authors
are requested to take at least one full registration per paper, and come
physically to present their work.
We hope to see many of you in Saarbrücken. Do not hesitate to contact us
should you have any question.
The EG2023 organizing team