Dear all,

Please note, we changed our submission deadlines to be consistent with the co-located EuroVIS 2017 venues.
The new deadlines will be:

Submission deadline: 27 February, 2017 Notification of acceptance: 27 March, 2017 Camera-ready deadline: 24 April, 2017 EuroVA workshop: 12-13 June, 2017

Please find the adapted Call for Papers below:


EuroVA 2017 is the eighth international EuroVis workshop on Visual Analytics.
It will take place June 12-13, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.

Visual Analytics is a problem-solving and sense-making technology that integrates analytical computations, visual representations, and interaction. It includes the analysis of complex (massive, dynamic, ambiguous, conflicting, …) data and information for gaining understanding, building knowledge, and inferring insight. Visual Analytics aims at a synergistic collaboration of humans and computers mediated through interactive visual interfaces. As such, Visual Analytics is an interdisciplinary field of research, including aspects of visualization, human-computer interaction, statistics and mathematics, data management and knowledge representation, data analysis and machine learning, cognitive and perceptual sciences, and more.

EuroVA is an established workshop to present and discuss new ideas, methods and theories, interesting applications and designs, and studies of the use of Visual Analytics in practice.

The workshop will accept three paper types:

·         Research papers present new unpublished concepts, methods, or techniques

·         Special session papers focus on a topic of particular topic of interest

·         Position papers express relevant and potentially controversial standpoints

The workshop seeks to attract innovative, fresh and creative ideas with a high potential of becoming significant contributions to the Visual Analytics community.


Special Session on Interaction

Visual Analytics integrates the human in the loop. Interaction between the human and Visual Analytics methods and tools is essential for effective data exploration and analysis. EuroVA 2017 especially invites papers that focus on interaction in Visual Analytics. Topics of interest for the special session on interaction include but are not limited to:

·         Interaction techniques for Visual Analytics

·         Interface design for exploration and analysis

·         New display environments and interaction modalities

·         Guidance for Visual Analytics

·         Syntax and semantics of interactions for data analysis activities

·         Models of human-in-the-loop data analysis

·         Collaborative Visual Analytics


Regular Topics

Regular topics of interest include but are not limited to:

·         Visual representations of complex data

·         Computational methods to support analysis tasks

·         Data management, data provenance, and data uncertainty

·         Theoretical foundations of Visual Analytics

·         Cognitive and perceptual aspects

·         Infrastructures and architectures for Visual Analytics systems and services

·         Visual Analytics applications

·         Evaluation of Visual Analytics techniques and procedures


Position Papers

Position papers are problem discussions or statements describing the author's relevant experience and ideas regarding Visual Analytics. Position papers will be selected according to their importance and relevance for the workshop topics and the planned discussions.


Important dates

Submission deadline:                         27 February, 2017 Notification of acceptance:        27 March, 2017 Camera-ready deadline:           24 April, 2017 EuroVA workshop:                12-13 June, 2017


Submission guidelines

Papers, 4 pages in length + 1 extra page for references (maximum) must be prepared using the EuroVA LaTeX template, which can be downloaded here:

Papers are to be submitted via PCS at:

At least one author of an accepted paper must register and participate in the workshop to present the accepted work. The EuroVA 2017 Workshop Proceedings will be published by the Eurographics Association, and be stored on the Eurographics Digital Library.


Workshop Chairs

Michael Sedlmair, University of Vienna, Austria Christian Tominski, University of Rostock, Germany

Publicity chair: Michael Behrisch, University of Konstanz, Germany