You are cordially invited to contribute to the
23rd EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH)
as part of the
4th DigitalHeritage World Congress and Expo (DH2025)
organised in
Siena (Italy), from September 8 to 13, 2025
DH2025 (
https://digitalheritage2025.unisi.it/digital-heritage/) welcomes
presentations of new research, projects, demonstrations and applications
that demonstrate how computer graphics and other digital technologies are
impacting cultural heritage research, preservation and dissemination and
promoting sustainable cultural tourism. Specific sessions will be organised
to seek new challenges and projects involving different stakeholders of the
Heritage ecosystem. Hence, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary
approaches are particularly welcome to the event. A groundbreaking public
exhibition of cutting-edge digital heritage projects will also be set up.
Following the successful format of the previous editions, the conference
will have a single call for papers and a coordinated scientific review
In 2025 the Congress is organised in Siena (Italy), one of the most
important cities in mediaeval Europe. The whole city, with its iconic Piazza
del Campo, was devised as a work of art that blends into the surrounding
We are seeking original, innovative and previously unpublished contributions
in theoretical or applied Digital Heritage domains. All papers will have a
blind peer review by the International Programme Committee (IPC). The IPC
seeks for every submission at least one "digital" and one
"heritage" reviewer to ensure a rich diversity of accepted works spanning
both technology and humanities. All submissions will be reviewed for
originality, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. Each submission
shall indicate the specific Digital Heritage 2025 Track that is relevant to
the submission (see below "Tracks and Special Sessions"). You can submit
full or short papers, special sessions (tutorials, workshops and panels),
and exhibitions (follow dedicated "call for exhibits").
Types of Contributions
The event seeks different types of contributions, that will be published in
the EG DL, including:
Scientific Results
Full Research papers: original and innovative research (max. 10 pages incl.
Short Papers: research activities, applications or projects (max. 4 pages
inc. refs.)
Posters / Demo: overview of activities or national/international
Interdisciplinary projects (2 pages)
Special Scientific and Policy Sessions
Workshop (2-pages incl. bibliography) forum for researchers and
practitioners to discuss and exchange positions on current and emergent
Tutorial (2-pages incl. bibliography) presentation of technological
solutions and methods for students and professionals;
Panel (2-pages incl. bibliography) high level discussion session with
experts on key challenges.
EXPO* (template is provided):
Exhibition description (up to 2-pages incl. bibliography)
* a separate "call4expo" is launched including all specific details.
Contributions are solicited within the following topics (but not limited
1. Documentation, Preservation, Monitoring and Restoration track:
Heritage impact assessment Inventory for heritage management
Cultural heritage and archives
Heritage management planning
Endangered heritage
Natural risk management
Climate change mitigation
Long term archiving/storage
Intangible heritage
Rehabilitation of historical buildings
Digital publishing and Philology
Digital Technologies for Restoration&Monitoring
2. Policy, Standards, Ethics and Education:
Ethical use of AI technologies
Requirements and policies SDG for heritage
Cultural tourism
Education and training
Sociology and User studies
Neuroscience and cognitive psychology in DH
Archives accessibility and reproduction rights
Public use of History digital society
Heritage & tourism sustainability
Citizen science for heritage
Cultural heritage and local identity
3. Infrastructures, Dataspace and international projects track
Collaborative cloud for Cultural Heritage
Connecting infrastructures
Best practices
Digital transformation
Digital Archives and Digital Libraries
Digital accessibility Heritage cybersecurity Blockchain and NFT
4. Acquisition and Digitization track
Photogrammetry and Computer Vision
Laser scanning and active sensors
AI-based methods
Multimodal data
Remote sensing
Historical data processing
Materials and colours
Reflectance modelling
Neural Rendering Techniques (NeRF)
Generative AI for Cultural Heritage and Design
Massive digitization
5. Analysis and Interpretation track
Data fusion
Multi-temporal data analysis
Multi-modal analysis
Semantic enrichment
Point cloud segmentation and classification
Object detection finite element modelling
Scan2BIM GIS and spatial analyses
BIM and Digital Twin for Cultural Heritage
Ontologies Diagnostic analysis
6. Visualisation and Interaction track
Web-based interactive solutions
Virtual, Augmented, Mixed, Extended Reality Hybrid Experiences,
Hybrid Museums Interfaces Serious Games,
Applied Games and Gamification
Virtual technologies for museums,
Virtual Museums
Advanced image-based rendering techniques
Design UX / UI Haptic and HCI for heritage
Simulations Digital born art Cultural creativity
Submission dates
Notification Camera Ready
Abstract** (400 words) 15.03.2025
Workshops/Panels/Round Tables 15.03.2025 15.04.2025
Tutorials 15.03.2025
15.04.2025 /
Exhibits 01.04.2025
15.05.2025 01.06.2025
Full Papers (10p) 15.04.2025
15.06.2025 01.07.2025
Short Papers (4p) 15.05.2025
15.06.2025 01.07.2025
Poster (2p) 15.05.2025
15.06.2025 01.07.2025
* a separate call is launched by web3D
** Abstracts are not going to be reviewed but are required to organize the
reviewing process.
Journal Publications
Works with a high innovation potential will receive a proposal to prepare an
extended manuscript of their contribution (or extended version in case of
Full Papers) to be submitted to a scientific journal.
Following last years' events, DH25 aims at establishing dedicated agreements
with leading journals, e.g. ACM JOCCH Journal
<https://dl.acm.org/journal/jocch> , Elsevier DAACH
nd-cultural-heritage> , MDPI Heritage
<https://www.mdpi.com/journal/heritage> or Elsevier JCH
<https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-cultural-heritage> . More
information will be published as soon as the agreements are in place.