Eurographics Virtual Environments 2008 (EGVE'08) Symposium
Call for Participation
We invite you to participate in the Eurographics Virtual Environments
(EGVE) symposium in Eindhoven, Netherlands, May 29-30th, 2008 which is
co-located with EuroVis. EGVE is an international symposium for the
exchange of experience and knowledge among researchers and developers
concerned with using and improving virtual environments. EGVE 08 will
provide an opportunity for virtual reality researchers to interact,
share new results, show live demonstrations of their work, and discuss
emerging directions for the field.
Call for papers
Original, unpublished papers documenting new research contributions,
practice and experience, or novel applications, from all areas of
virtual environments, are invited. The best full-length papers will be
invited to extend their work and publish in the Computer & Graphics
journal. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Interaction techniques for VR
- Tracking & Sensing
- Immersive projection technologies
- Haptics, audio and multimodal interfaces
- VR system architecture and development
- 3D input and output devices
- Augmented and mixed reality (AR and MR)
- Collaborative and distributed VR
- User studies and evaluation
- Presence and cognition
- Interactive rendering, modeling and simulation
- VR, AR, and MR applications
Important dates
14th January 2008 : full and short paper submission
17th March 2008 : decisions to authors
17th April 2008 : camera-ready version due
29th-30th May 2008 : EGVE symposium dates
Program Chairs
Robert van Liere, Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Netherlands
Betty Mohler, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics