Computer Graphics International is pleased to announce its poster
program and is soliciting high quality poster proposals. The CGI
posters program offers an opportunity to present innovative techniques
in commercial products, work in progress, student projects, or
non-traditional research. Posters on any subject related to computer
graphics (see a topic list below) will be considered. An informal
poster session will be held which should allow plenty of opportunities
for one-on-one dialogue and small group discussion in a casual
setting. Although extended abstracts describing each poster will be
distributed at the conference, posters will NOT be included in regular
proceedings and are NOT considered publications. The same work can
therefore be submitted to journals and conferences later.
Poster proposals should present at least partial results achieved with
a new technique. Submissions describing unsubstantiated ideas for
future research will not be accepted. Based on the results of paper
review process, CGI 05 committee has decided to offer several authors
to present their work as invited posters and we expect to build a high
quality poster program based on these core contributions. Proposals
will be evaluated by members of CGI 05 committee based on level of
contribution to the field of computer graphics, validity of the
results, originality, and clarity of presentation.
Submission procedure: Please e-mail a pdf file with an extended
abstract (maximum 2 pages formatted according to IEEE guidelines
available at to
cgi_pstr(a) File name should start with primary author's
full last name followed by an underscore and arbitrary poster name,
for example samaras_cool_faces.pdf IMPORTANT: Please do NOT use paper
submission system for anything related to posters. Even if the CGI 05
committee offered you to present an invited poster based on your
earlier paper submission, please send the new 2 page version to the
address above by the deadline specified below. This will serve as an
indication that you accept our invitation and are willing to present
your poster at the conference.
Poster presentation: Authors of accepted posters will prepare, print,
and bring their own 60 x 40 portrait or landscape posters to the
conference. Mounting materials will be provided. Posters will be on
display during the conference. A special poster session will be
scheduled during which at least one registered author is required to
stand by his/her poster.
Important dates for poster submissions:
March 28th, 2005: Poster submission deadline.
April 11th, 2005: Notification of acceptance.
Note that this email list is used for the conference-calls for the
IEEE Visualization conference, and similar events.
For removal or duplicates, please reply to this email address with your
respective email address and the subject keyword "remove" and add
"duplicate", if it is just for the removal of an unused email address.
(The relevant email address is in the TO-field of the email header.)
If your email is a question about the conference, the submission, or
related topics, please contact the respective conference co-chairs:
Arie E. Kaufman
Distinguished Professor & Chair
Computer Science Department
Stony Brook University (SUNY)
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400
631 632-8428/ -8441/ -8471
Fax: 631 632-8445/ -8334