Positions:  Two positions at the level of Research Associate & two positions at the level of Research Assistant  in Computer Graphics and/or Computer Animation
Location: Nicosia, Cyprus
Preferred Start Date: May 2023 or as soon thereafter.
Application Deadline: Remain open until the positions are filled.
Salary Range for Assistant: €18,000 - €30,000 (depends on the applicant qualifications) 

Salary Range for Associate: €28,000 - €38,000 (depends on the applicant qualifications)


About the positions  
Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary qualifications to fill two (2) full-time research assistant positions at the CYENS Centre of Excellence (the positions could lead to a PhD degree at the University of Cyprus),  and two (2) full-time research associate positions, to investigate in the field of "Computer Graphics and Character Animation".


The CYENS CoE is focusing on multidisciplinary research in the greater area of interactive media and smart systems. It is a joint venture between the three public universities of Cyprus (University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology, and Open University of Cyprus), the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany, and University College London, United Kingdom, hosted by the Municipality of Nicosia. The Centre was set-up with seed funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017 (Teaming Phase 2) under grant agreement No. 739578.

The successful candidates will have the opportunity to conduct research in the areas of computer animation, extended reality, and artificial intelligence with applications in dancing, theatre, pain management, sports, movies, games, and collaborative creativity. They will work with a very active team of researchers, including Dr. Andreas Aristidou, Dr. Panayiotis Charalambous (
V-EUPNEA MRG) and Dr. Yiorgos Chrysanthou (RIPE MRG), investigating modern trends and techniques in Computer Animation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Extended Reality.

Position holders are expected to conduct experimental research on computer graphics/character animation/extended reality, to collect and analyze experimental results, to conduct bibliographical review of the current literature, to publish/present their research results in prestigious international conferences and journals, and potentially to participate in the preparation of research and innovation proposals. We welcome applications from talented and motivated individuals with backgrounds in related fields such as Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Robotics and Computer Science.


For further information please see here: 

Research Assistant in Computer Graphics and/or Computer Animation

Research Associate in Computer Graphics and/or Computer Animation