First call for papers

SIACG 2006 -3rd Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics
EPCG: 14º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica
CEIG: XVI Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica
Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 5-7, 2006
This symposium is the third of a series of similar events organised every
other year and alternating between Europe and South America. Its mission
is to foster  co-operation through joint projects and the exchange of
scholars, ideas and information between the Computer Graphics communities
in Spain, Portugal and Latin America. The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the Eurographics Proceedings Series.
This symposium replaces this year's annual events of the Spanish and
Portuguese Chapters of Eurographics.
Important Dates
21 March   2006: Submission deadline
06 May     2006: Notification of acceptance
13 May     2006: Short presentations and poster proposals due
21 May     2006: Camera ready papers and pre-registration deadline
05-07 July 2006: Conference
We invite researchers, students, academicians and practicians to
contribute papers from all areas related to computer graphics, multimedia
and hardware.  In particular we are looking to novel applications,
algorithms and the human aspects of interaction with graphics.
Authors are invited to submit contributions addressing one or more of the
following (non-exhaustive) list of major areas/topics:

Computer Graphics Systems and Hardware
Computer Animation
Rendering Techniques and Global Illumination
Real-Time Rendering
Virtual Reality and Computer Human Interface
Computational Geometry and its Applications
Geometric Computing and Solid Modelling
Scientific Visualisation
Volume Graphics
Augmented and Mixed Reality
Game Design and Game Engine Development
Virtual Humans and Artificial Life
3D Reconstruction
GPU Programming
Graphical User Interfaces
Interaction Architectures and Models
Multimodal User Interfaces
Graphics and Multimedia
Computer Graphics for Mobile Applications
Computer Graphics applications (Arts, Education, Engineering, Entertainment, Medicine and Science)
Santiago de Compostela is mainly a monumental town, a stony miracle which
has been shaped around the Apostle St James's sepulchre along the
centuries, and which has resulted in one of the most splendid and harmonic
architectural ensembles in the world. Considered to be one of the three
spiritual capitals of Christendom together with Rome and Jerusalem, from
the Middle Ages it became the goal of religious pilgrimages, a phenomenon
that would give birth to the pilgrims' Road to Santiago, the real spine of
the art and the thought from which, as Goethe said, the idea of Europe
would be born.
The conference venue will be the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, at
the Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñería (Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa,
15782-Santiago de Compostela)
Paper Submission
Submissions are invited as either a full paper of 6 to 10 pages (A4 paper)
for oral presentation or as a short paper of 2 to 4 pages (A4 paper).  The
papers must be written in English, although presentations can be delivered
in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The program committee, composed of
internationally renowned experts, will review the submissions.
Please see the conference web site for submission details.
Organized by
Eurographics Spanish Chapter
Eurographics Portuguese Chapter
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Conference co-chair
Juan Carlos Torres, UGR (ES)
António Ramires Fernandes, U. Minho (PT)
International Program Committee Co-chairs
Pere Brunet, UPC (ES)
Nuno Correia, U. Nova de Lisboa (PT)
Gladimir V. G. Baranoski, U. Waterloo (CA)
Local Organising Committee
Julián Flores, USC (ES)
Pedro Saco, USC (ES)
Juan E. Arias, USC (ES)
Jose Taboada, USC (ES)