*Computers & Graphics Journal <http://ees.elsevier.com/cag>*
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*Special Section on “Mobile Augmented Reality”*
* August 2011*
*Guest editors:*
*Ronald Azuma, Mark Billinghurst*
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*Submissions due: January 30, 2011*
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*Computers & Graphics*, an international journal dedicated to Systems and
Applications in Computer Graphics, invites you to submit your latest
research results to a *special issue* on “*Mobile Augmented Reality*.”
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Augmented Reality (AR) is technology that seamlessly overlays computer
graphics on the real world. Although first developed over forty years ago,
it has only been in the last few years that AR has become widely available.
One reason for this is the emergence of mobile phones that combine fast CPUs
with large displays, cameras, graphics acceleration, compass and
accelerometers, GPS sensors, and even gyroscopes. For the first time people
have a powerful AR hardware platform in the palm of their hands.
While mobile AR hardware has become commonplace, there is still a need for
more research on how this hardware can be used to deliver a compelling AR
experience. Research is needed in new tools for creating mobile AR
applications, interaction techniques for handheld AR, tracking and rendering
methods, and methods for evaluating the mobile AR experience, among others.
As the field grows rapidly there is an exciting opportunity for academic and
industry researchers to present ideas that can define the future of mobile
This Computers & Graphics special issue on Mobile Augmented Reality will
encourage a further exchange of knowledge and experience on Mobile Augmented
Reality in a wide range of areas, including:
• Tracking for mobile AR
• Interaction methods in mobile AR
• Mobile AR application case studies
• User evaluation for mobile AR
• Mobile AR rendering and visualization techniques
• Novel input and output devices for mobile AR
• Software architecture
• Theories and frameworks for mobile AR
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January 30, 2011 – Submission Deadline
March 14, 2011 – Initial Decision to Authors
April 14, 2011 – Revised Versions Submitted by Authors
May 14, 2011 – Final Decision to Authors
June 14, 2011 – Camera Ready Versions Provided by Authors
August 2011 – Publication (issue 4) [Online versions expected to be
available in July]
Please refer to
http://ees.elsevier.com/cag for instructions on formatting
and submitting papers. Please refer to the Guide for Authors at that
website. You will need to register with the Elsevier Editorial System to
submit your paper online.
To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into
this special issue, it is important that you select “Special Section: Mobile
Augmented Reality” when you reach the “Article Type” step in the submission
Page length must be appropriate to the level of contribution. If the final
version of the paper (as formatted for a camera ready version) will exceed
14 pages, please contact the guest editors before submitting.
Ronald Azuma, Nokia Research Center Hollywood, USA
Mark Billinghurst, The HIT Lab NZ, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Computers and Graphics is available under special conditions to Eurographics