The Department for Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering at Graz University of
Technology invites applications for the position of a
>> Tenure Track Professor in Mixed Reality
Graz University of Technology is the oldest science and technology research and
educational institute in Austria. For over 200 years, it has been an important
international center for research and teaching.
The university delivers top performances in its five Fields of
Expertise: Advanced Material Science, Human & Biotechnology, Information,
Communication & Computing, Mobility & Production, and Sustainable Systems. The
university boasts intensive collaboration with national and international research and
educational establishments as well as with industry partners worldwide.
The Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering at Graz University of
Technology is an internationally highly ranked department committed to excellence in
research and teaching. The department performs highly visible research in its main
research of focus:
Biomedical Engineering, Safety and Security, Artificial Intelligence, and Visual
Computing. We are proud of our outstanding basic and applied research and encourage
interdisciplinary projects. Moreover, our department fosters a close dialogue with
industry and encourages and supports the creation of spin-off companies.
# Job Description
We are looking for a candidate with proven scientific expertise in the field of Mixed
Reality in research and teaching.
The following areas are of particular interest:
- Mixed Reality displays, in particular optical see-through head-mounted displays (design,
algorithms, calibration)
- Eye-tracking for Mixed Reality
- Spatial perception, cognition and interaction in Mixed Reality
The successful candidate will cover these or other topics in Mixed Reality. It is expected
that the candidate closely collaborates with the institute’s strategic industrial partners
in the area of Mixed Reality and leads a research team funded through such industrial
The position is initially funded by SNAP, Inc.
The professorship will be part of the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision
(, which is an internationally visible research environment with more
than 60 researchers in Visual Computing.
The new professor will complement the existing strengths in the department, will build an
internationally visible group, will be an engaged teacher in the Computer Science programs
at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD level, and will actively participate in academic
self-administration. At Graz University of Technology, undergraduate courses are taught in
German or English, and graduate courses are taught in English.
# Requirements
- A completed university education with a doctoral degree (PhD in a relevant field
- Excellent scientific achievements
- Integration in the international research community
- Excellent didactic and pedagogical skills
- Management and leadership abilities
- Excellent command of English and command of German or the willingness to acquire it
We also value
- International experience and integration in the international research community and
- Experience with acquisition of research grants and/or industrial collaboration.
We expect the successful candidate to transfer her or his residence to the area of Graz.
# Our Offer
The advertised position is a tenure-track career position. After the conclusion of a
qualification agreement, the job holder is appointed as an Assistant Professor. After a
positive evaluation of the qualification agreement, the position will be turned into a
permanent position as an Associate Professor. After a further competitive procedure, a
promotion to a Full Professor is possible.
The position will be paid according to the collective agreement for employees of Austrian
universities, stipulating an initial gross annual salary of € 62.829,20, and includes
medical and retirement insurance.
Graz University of Technology provides excellent working conditions in a vibrant
scientific community, combined with the outstanding living quality of the Graz area. We
also support your partner’s career development through a dual career office and assist the
relocation process.
# Equal Opportunity Employer
Graz University of Technology aims to increase the proportion of women, in particular in
management and academic staff, and therefore qualified female applicants are explicitly
encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to women if applicants are equally
Graz University of Technology actively promotes diversity and equal opportunities.
Applicants are not to be discriminated against in personnel selection procedures on the
grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion or ideology, age, sexual orientation
People with disabilities and who have the relevant qualifications are expressly invited to
# How to apply
The position is listed with the position identification number 7100/22/004.
Interested applicants are requested to submit the online application
( including:
- a CV (with copies of diplomas),
- a list of publications highlighting the 5 most important publications,
- a research statement describing past and planned research activities
(5 pages max.),
- a teaching statement (5 pages max.) and evaluations of past teaching activities (if
- names and contact information of two references
The application will be sent to the Dean of the Department of Computer Science and
Biomedical Engineering within
For further question, please contact Dieter Schmalstieg
# Important Dates
The deadline for applications is September 11, 2022.