Dear colleagues,


VMV 2015 (co-located with the GCPR) is coming up! Don't miss this unique opportunity to meet your German and international colleagues at the official "German Open" in Computer Graphics.


      WHEN :  07.10.2015 - 09.10.2015

    WHERE :  RWTH Aachen University

       WEB :


The conference schedule is online already. It is designed such that most participants have a chance to arrive in Aachen on the 7th (we'll start at 13:00) and leave on the 9th.

The detailed program will become available very soon.


To make the organizers' life easier, we'd appreciate if you register as early as possible such that we can, e.g., order enough food and drinks for everyone!

Please keep in mind that the hotel contingent is running out.


Also, please consider submitting a poster (see below).


See you in Aachen!