
EG Spanish Conference on Computer Graphics CEIG 2015

July 1-3, 2015

Benicassim, Valencia (Spain)





The 25th edition of the Eurographics Spanish Chapter Conference on Computer Graphics CEIG 2015 will take place in Benicassim, Valencia (Spain), from July 1 to July 3, 2015. 

The submitted full papers (less than 10 pages) and short papers (less than 4 pages) will undergo a full double-blind peer review cycle. Also, both Spanish and English will be accepted as valid languages for submission purposes.


As in the last edition, authors will have the option to present their work without being published in the proceedings. This track is specially advisable for works which have ideas still under development or aimed for different venues, but whose authors wish to undergo the full review cycle and present their advances to the CEIG audience.

A selection of the best papers in the proceedings will be invited to submit an extended version to the  Computer Graphics Forum journal.

The latex template can be downloaded here:



The submission website is available at: 


For any questions regarding papers, poster or tutorials please contact us at:

The main conference topics include (but are not limited to):


Virtual and Augmented Reality

Realistic and non-photorealistic visualization

2D, and 3D image processing & synthesis

Real-time and offline rendering

Volume data modelling and visualization

Geometric modelling

Graphical User Interfaces and interaction

Procedural modelling

Computational photography/optics/displays

Computer animation

Software and hardware systems/architectures for computer graphics

Virtual humans and Artificial Intelligence

Computer Graphics applications

Serious games

Computer Graphics & education


This year, besides the beautiful beaches of  Benicassim, the CEIG attendees will benefit from the interaction with the collocated event INTROGRAPH -- an introductory conference to CG and gaming tech for young students --which will share invited talks and workshops.


We are looking forward to see your work in the 25th anniversary of CEIG,

Jorge Lopez-Moreno

Mateu Sbert

CEIG 2015 program chairs




Abstract deadline       Monday Mar 23
Papers deadline          Tuesday Mar 31
Author notification     Monday Apr 27

Tutorial deadline       Friday Apr  24 

Tutorial notification   Friday May  8


Poster deadline           Friday  June 19 

Poster notification      Friday  June 26 


All times are 23:59 (midnight) UTC.