Call for Papers – CASA 2019 in Paris, France


The 32th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2019) will be held on July 1-3, 2019 in Paris, France. The conference is organized by Sorbonne (France), in cooperation with ACM-SIGGRAPH and EUROGRAPHICS, under guidance of the Computer Graphics Society (CGS).


CASA was founded in 1988 in Geneva, Switzerland, and it is the oldest international conference in computer animation and social agents in the world. In the last ten years, CASA was held in Korea (2008), Netherlands (2009), France (2010), China (2011), Singapore (2012), Turkey (2013), United States (2014), Singapore (2015), Switzerland (2016), Korea (2017), China (2018).



IMPORTANT NOTICE: There was a conference with a similar name called ICCASA 2019 which took place in Bali in January 2019 and another one also called ICCASA 2019 in Amsterdam. THESE CONFERENCES ARE NOT ASSOCIATED OR CONNECTED with CASA 2019. They are organized by WASET (Wikipedia:,_Engineering_and_Technology)

Please note that no paper submitted to ICCASA 2019 will be published in the journal Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds. Only accepted papers submitted to CASA 2019 in Paris will be published in the journal.





We invite submissions of research full papers, short papers, and posters on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to Computer Animation, Embodied Agents, Social Agents, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Visualization (see below for a detailed list).


For more information, please visit the CASA 2019 website:


28 accepted full papers will be recommended to publish in a special issue of the Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Journal published by Wiley (CAVW). All submissions will be reviewed via a double-blind review process.




Full papers (10 pages)


     Submission Deadline:     March 1, 2019

     Notification of Acceptance: April 8, 2019

     Camera Ready:          April 22, 2019


Short papers (4~6 pages) and Posters (1 page)


     Submission Deadline:     April 15, 2019

     Notification of Acceptance: May 5, 2019

     Camera Ready:           May 15, 2019




Conference Chairs


Catherine Pelachaud (CNRS-Sorbonne University, France)

Michael Neff (University of California, Davis, USA)


Program co-chairs


Soraia Musse (PUCRS, Bresil)

Daniel Thalmann (EPFL, Switzerland)

Zerrin Yumak (University of Utrecht, Netherlands)




CASA invites submissions on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:


Computer Animation


Motion Control

Motion Capture & Retargeting

Path Planning

Physics-based Animation

Vision-based Techniques

Behavioral Animation

Artificial Life


Facial Animation

Image-based Animation

Multi-Scale Models

Knowledge-based Animation


Social Agents


  Social Agents and Avatars

  Emotion and Personality

  Virtual Humans

  Autonomous Actors

  AI-based Animation

  Social and Conversational Agents

  Inter-Agent Communication

  Social Behavior

  Crowd Simulation

  Machine learning


Other Related Topics


  Animation Compression and Transmission

  Semantics and Ontologies

  Anthropometric Virtual Human Models

  Acquisition and Reconstruction from Big Data

  Cultural Heritage Applications

  3D Physiological Humans

  3D Telepresence

  Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

  Social Robots

  Deep Learning methods