

STAG 2016  - Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics

We have been asked by several researchers for an extra deadline extension.


Thus the NEW DEADLINE for SUBMISSIONS is JULY 31, 2016.


Genova, October 3-4 2016




The aim of the conference is to focus on smart novel ideas and smart customization of existing modeling and rendering techniques for effective Computer Graphics applications. The goal is also to bring together practitioners, users and researchers, which will hopefully inspire further collaboration between participants particularly between academia and industry.


The topics are (but not limited to):




    Imaging and image processing

    Human-Computer Interaction

    Graphics systems


    Information visualization

    Volume graphics

    Web graphics


In particular, we are looking for:


Tricks and Hacks: clever ways to optimize or otherwise improve known techniques or algorithms for real-world applications

Original Techniques and Algorithms: new ways to solve real problems. Methods that offer improvements over ones in common use.

Experience/Advice: how to make practical use of known research results. For example, what are the parameter settings that really work? How much precision is needed? How many data points?





Important Dates:

Submission deadline (extended): July 31, 2016

Notification: August 30, 2016

Camera ready: September 7, 2016





Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory. Papers must be written in English, must be anonymized, should not exceed 10 pages in length, and must be formatted according to the Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum publication guidelines. This event uses a double-blind reviewing approach, so please remove all personal data (like such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your submission. Reviewers are asked to keep confidential all materials sent to them for evaluation.


We are planning special issues of contributions presented at STAG 2016. In 2015, the authors of selected best papers were invited to submit an extended version of their works for review and potential publication in a Special Issue of the Computers and Graphics Journal, Elsevier.




Program Committee:

Marco Agus, CRS4 – KAUST

Francesco Banterle, ISTI – CNR

Daniela Cabiddu, IMATI – CNR

Matteo Dellepiane, ISTI – CNR

Marco Fratarcangeli, Chalmers, University of Technology

Andrea Fusiello, Universitą di Udine

Giovanni Gallo, Universitą di Catania

Fabio Ganovelli, ISTI – CNR

Andrea Giachetti, Universitą di Verona

Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4

Federico Iuricich, University of Maryland at College Park

Marco Livesu, IMATI – CNR

Fabio Marton, CRS4

Fabio Pellacini, Universitą la Sapienza, Roma

Paolo Pingi, ISTI – CNR

Riccardo Scateni, Universitą di Cagliari

Alberto Signoroni, Universitą di Brescia

Davide Spano, Universitą di Cagliari

Marc Stamminger, University of Erlangen

Marco Tarini, Universitą dell’Insubria

Pietro Zanuttigh, Universitą di Padova


Event Chair: Silvia Biasotti (IMATI-CNR)


Program Chairs:  Gianni Pintore (CRS4), Filippo Stanco (Universitą di Catania)


Thesis award Chairs: Andrea Giachetti (Universitą di Verona), Marco Tarini (Universitą dell'Insubria)
