VAST 2004
The conference secretariat is informing you that following documents now are
available online
a.. VAST 2004 Conference program
b.. Registration Form
c.. Hotel Information & Reservation Form
Conference consists of following items:
a.. Pre-program on Monday, Dec 6 (free for EPOCH-members): tutorial
meetings and EPOCH workshops
b.. VAST 2004 Program, Dec 7-9: Plenary session, papers sessions,
showcases, ... on Cultural Heritage Technologies (Brussels-Oudenaarde)
c.. SME Virtual Cluster Meeting on Dec 10
d.. Optional excursion on Dec 10
Please NOTE:
1.. Pre-registration is until Nov 5 (after that date registration fees are
2.. EG and EPOCH-members benefit of a reduced fee
3.. There is also a One day registration fee for Dec 7 or 8
4.. Hotels in Brussels are very scarce in this period, the conference
secretariat reserved blocks of rooms: in some hotels options are only valid
until a certain date; we can only advice you not to wait to long in booking
a room!
Hope to meet you at VAST!
Eva Roels
in name of the organising committee
VAST 2004
December 7-10, 2004
Brussels (Belgium)
The 5th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural
is dedicated to the theme:
Interdisciplinarity or "The Best of Both Worlds":
The Grand Challenge for Cultural Heritage Informatics
in the 21st Century
a.. Incorporating: Second Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural
Heritage (
b.. Location: Conscience-auditorium, Brussels and Ename Center,
Oudenaarde - Belgium