Eurographics Italian Chapter
Conference 2010
(EG-IT 2010)
"Computer graphics meets computer
November 18-19, 2010
Palazzo Rosso, Genova (Italy)
Early bird registration is expiring on Sunday October 31!
Register at
The program of the Conference is now available at
Invited speakers:
Alberto Del Bimbo (University of Firenze)
Ayellet Tal (Technion)
Bianca Falcidieno (IMATI-CNR)
Gabriella Sanniti Di Baja (ICIB-CNR)
Kai Hormann (University of Lugano)
EG-IT 2010 Organising Committee:
Enrico Puppo - Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences - University
of Genova
Andrea Brogni - Dept. of Advanced Robotics - Italian Institute of
Leila De Floriani - Dept. of Computer and Information Sciences -
University of Genova