S O R R Y  F O R  D U P L I C A T E S !!!!!

  The 3IA'2005 international conference on computer graphics
and artificial intelligence will be held in Limoges (France)
from 11 to 12 May, 2005.

  Here is the preliminary program of the 3IA'2005 Conference.
For more details see the website or write to the general chair
of the conference.

Website :
General Chair: Dimitri PLEMENOS (plemenos@unilim.fr).

                 3IA'2005 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE

               Limoges (FRANCE), 11 - 12 of May, 2005

General Chair: Dimitri PLEMENOS (plemenos@unilim.fr)

Invited speakers:  Elena Martinova (Russia), Michel Rueher (France)
                    Ivana Kolingerova (Czech Republic)

                       PRELIMINARY PROGRAM

Wednesday, May 11, 2005, Morning

09:00 a.m: Reception

09:35 a.m: Opening of the Conference

09:45 a.m: Invited speaker
            Computer facial animation, framework, problems and
            A. Fedorov, T. Firsova, V. Kuriakin, E. Martinova,
            V. Zhislina (RUSSIA)

10:45 a.m: Coffee break

1st session: Machine learning - Decision making

11:15 a.m.: Adaptive spatial memory representation for real-time
             motion planning.
             Russel A. Apu, Marina Gavrilova (CANADA)


11:45 a.m.: Learning user preferences at the declarative and
             geometric description level.
             George Bardis, George Miaoulis (GREECE), Dimitri
             Plemenos (FRANCE)

12:15 a.m.: An ontological decision support system for the
             design of structural simulation
             Stefan Jaksch, Margit Rudy (AUSTRIA)

12:35 p.m.  Lunch

Wednesday, May 11, 2005, Afternoon

02:30 p.m.: Invited speaker
             Solving continuous constraint systems.
             Michel Rueher (FRANCE)

2nd session: Intelligent and constraint-based scene modelling

03:30 p.m.: Automatic 3D scene generation based on contact
             Yoshiaki Akazawa, Yoshihiro Okada, Koichi Niijima

04:00 p.m.: An algorith for automated fractal terrain deformation
             S. Stachniak, W. Stuerlinger (CANADA).

04:30 p.m.: Coffee break

3rd session: Information retrieval and visualization

05:00 p.m.: A web-based 3D graphical model search engine.
             M. Koutsokeras, I. Pratikakis, G. Miaoulis (GREECE).


05:30 p.m.: Reinforcement focus+context.
             Gregor Heinrich (GERMANY).

05:50 p.m.: Rapid interactive animation development using
             Dmitry Troitsky, Alexander Inozemtsev,
             Pavel Gubarev (RUSSIA), Mark Bannatyne (USA).

Thursday, May 12, 2005, Morning

09:00 p.m.: Invited speaker
             Probabilistic methods for triangulated models.
             Ivana Kolingerova (CZECH REPUBLIC).

4th session: Declarative modelling

10:00 a.m.: Implementation of a collaborative environment
             in MultiCAD declarative modelling system.
             John Dragonas, Dimitris Makris, Apostolos
             Lazaridis, George Miaoulis (GREECE),
             Dimitri PLEMENOS (FRANCE).

10:30 a.m.: A semantic approach for understanding and
             manipulating scenes.
             Vassilios Golfinopoulos, George Miaoulis (GREECE),
             Dimitri PLEMENOS (FRANCE).

11:00 a.m.: Coffee break

5th session: Genetic algorithms

11:30 a.m.: Automatic classification of archaeological potsherds.
             Chaouki Maiza, Veronique Gaildrat (FRANCE).

12:00 a.m.: Classifier system based autonomous vehicles in HLA
            distributed simulations.
            Samir Torki, Cedric Sanza, Patrice Torguet,
            Jean-Pierre JESSEL (FRANCE).


12:30 a.m.: Utilizing genetic algorithms for 3D texture synthesis.
             Mayada F. Abdul-Halim, Noor Adnan Ibraheem (IRAQ).

12:50 a.m.: Lunch

6th session: Hardware

02:30 p.m.: Compiling the Kohonen feature map into computer
             graphics hardware.
             Florian Haar, Christian A. Bohn (GERMANY).

03:00 p.m.: Automatic mobil meeting room.
             Stanislav Sumec, Igor Potucek, Pavel Zemcik
             (CZECH REPUBLIC).

03:30 p.m.: End of the conference.


I Dimitri PLEMENOS          I PHONE: (+33) 5 55 43 69 74       I
I Universite de LIMOGES     I FAX: (+33) 5 55 43 69 77         I
I Laboratoire MSI           I E-MAIL:
plemenos@unilim.fr       I
I 83,rue d'Isle             I
http://msi.unilim.fr/~plemenos/  I
I 87000 LIMOGES - FRANCE    I                                  I