The Organising Committees would like to cordially invite you to consider contributing to JVRC 2013, the 5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EuroVR and EGVE, in association with ICAT 2013 (joint remote events)



5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE-EuroVR (JVRC 2013)

Campus Paris Saclay, 11-13 December 2013


After Lyon, Stuttgart, Nottingham, and Madrid, the series of Joint Virtual Reality Conferences of EGVE-EuroVR (JVRC) continue with Paris on 11-13 December 2013. This year conference gathers:
- The 19th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE -;
- The 10th Conference and Exhibition of the European Association of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (EuroVR -

As previous issues, JVRC 2013 will bring together people from industry, commerce, research including technology developers, suppliers and all those interested in virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user interfaces to exchange knowledge and share experiences of new results and applications, live demonstrations of current and emerging technologies and form collaborations for future work.

JVRC 2013 will also feature several common France-Japan events in association with the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2013) held during the same period in Tokyo (

JVRC 2013 is locally organised by the VENISE group of CNRS/LIMSI ( and the Interactive Simulation Laboratory from CEA-List ( The venue this year is the Campus Paris Saclay, slightly to the south of Paris, where numerous Universities, Engineering Schools, Research Institutes and Industrial Labs are currently being gathered.


* Scientific Track: original, unpublished long and short papers documenting new research contributions, practice and experience, or novel applications.
* Industrial Track: best practices, project results and demonstrations of applications of VR/AR/MR in industry, and/or actual or potential transfers of academic results.
* Poster Track: recently completed work, work in progress, or publicly presentable ideas for unimplemented and/or unusual systems or applications.
* Demonstration and Exhibit Track: live demonstrations of past and on-going projects. Additionally, technology developers and suppliers, exhibitors, digital artists and members of the VR/AR/MR industrial communities are invited to exhibit and demonstrate the latest technologies and applications, in a dedicated exhibition area.

This year, some scientific papers will be selected for common France-Japan sessions, shared between JVRC 2013 and ICAT 2013 through video conferencing connection.

Additionally, two kinds of demonstrations are expected:
* Regular demonstrations presented in the JVRC demonstration and exhibition hall.
* Collaborative demonstrations associating teams and VR/AR/MR devices remotely located at JVRC and at ICAT.
They will be delivered during a plenary joint session and a special call for these collaborative remote demos is being issued.


Submission of scientific papers is open. Papers (8 pages max) and short papers (4 pages max) will be published by Eurographics. Instructions and submission tool are here:

Accepted industrial papers, poster papers and demo descriptions will be published as an ISBN-registered CD. Formats for these submissions will be available soon on the website.

Please, consult Submission Guidelines at:


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Human factors issues

    User studies and evaluation trials
    Presence and cognition
    3D user interfaces
    3D interaction metaphors
    Self-representation and embodiment
    Virtual humans
    Sickness and side effects
    Validity and fidelity
    Cost effectiveness and cost efficiency


    VR system architecture
    Collaborative and distributed VR
    Augmented Reality (AR) and mobile devices
    Mixed Reality (MR)
    Advances in display technologies
    Audio and Multimodal Interfaces
    Haptic systems and devices
    Tracking and sensing
    Real-time rendering, modelling & simulation
    Image-based 3D modelling and rendering
    Interactive and immersive multimedia


    Industrial applications
    Aerospace and Transport
    Construction and Architecture
    Manufacturing and Engineering
    Medical and Rehabilitation
    Product and Process design
    Training and Education
    Cultural applications
    Serious Gaming and Edutainment


General Conference Co-chairs

  Patrick BOURDOT (VENISE team, CNRS/LIMSI, France)
  Philippe GRAVEZ (CEA-List, France)
  Yoshifumi KITAMURA (Tohoku University, Japan)
  Torsten KUHLEN (Aachen University, Germany)

International Program Committee Co-chairs

  Betty MOHLER (Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Germany)
  Bruno RAFFIN (INRIA/LIG, France)
  Hideo SAITO (Keio University, Japan)
  Oliver STAADT (University of Rostock, Germany)

The full compositions of Organising Committees is in progress, and are gradually actualised on the conference website.


Call dates

May 3rd: 1st Call for all JVRC papers
June 28th: 2nd Call for all JVRC papers
- July 5th: Special call for collaborative JVRC-ICAT demos

Deadlines for Submissions

- July 17th: Full and Short scientific papers
- July 26th: Special abstract for collaborative JVRC-ICAT demos
- September 6th: Short papers for industrial tracks, posters and all demos
- September 6th: Exhibition proposals

Notifications dates

- August 2nd: accepted collaborative JVRC-ICAT demos
- October 4th: accepted scientific papers
- October 18th: accepted papers for industrial tracks, posters and all demos

Deadline for Camera-ready Final Version: November 1st for all JVRC papers

Earlybird registration deadline: November 8th


Conference Website:

For any inquiries please contact us at: or the Co-chairs of specific Committees when they are nominated on the website:
- General Co-chairs at:
- Scientific Committee Co-chairs at:
- Industrial Committee Co-chairs at:
- Posters Co-chairs at:
- JVRC-ICAT Collaborative Demo Committee Co-chairs at:
- JVRC Regular Demo Committee Co-chairs at:
- Exhibition Co-chairs at: