26th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence
21st Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
Sept 30, 2016: Paper submission deadline
Oct 12, 2016: Poster Submission Deadline
Oct 19, 2016: Demo Submission Deadline
Call for Papers
ICAT-EGVE 2016 is the merger of the 26th International Conference on
Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2016) and the 21st Eurographics
Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2016). ICAT-EGVE 2016 will be held
in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, from December 7th to 9th 2016.
We are fortunate to have been able to secure an exceptional venue for this
event: the conference will be held at the Clinton Presidential Library.
This international event will be a unique opportunity for researchers,
developers, and users to share their experience and knowledge of virtual
reality, as well as augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user
interfaces. And, of course, it is a good time to renew old friendships, make
new ones, and experience all that Little Rock has to offer.
ICAT-EGVE 2016 seeks original, high-quality research papers in all areas
of virtual reality, as well as augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D
user interfaces. Research papers should describe results that contribute
to advancements in the following areas:
- 3D interaction for VR/AR
- VR/AR systems and toolkits
- Immersive projection technologies and other advanced display technologies
- Presence, cognition, and embodiment in VR/AR/MR
- Haptics, audio, and other non-visual modalities
- User studies and evaluation
- Multi-user and distributed VR, tele-immersion and tele-presence
- Serious games and edutainment using VR/AR/MR
- Novel devices (both input and output) for VR, AR, MR, and haptics
- Applications of VR/AR/MR
Papers in other related areas are welcome, too, of course.
All accepted papers will be published in the Digital Library of the
Eurographics. In addition, they will be cited and indexed in the ACM
Digital Library including the DOI.
Full papers must be in English and not exceed eight (8) pages in length.
Short papers must be in English and not exceed four (4) pages in length.
Both full and short papers should be formatted using the Eurographics
ICAT-EGVE uses a double-blind review process. Therefore, submissions
should not contain information (including citations and optional videos)
that unnecessarily identifies the authors or their institutions or places
of work.
All papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files. Authors are
encouraged to submit videos to aid the program committee in the review of
their submissions.
Papers must be submitted through SRM (
For posters and demos, please see the website ( <http://icat-egve-2016.org>
http://icat-egve-2016.org) for details.
Important Dates
Submission deadline (papers): September 30th, 2016
Submission deadline (posters): October 12th, 2016
Submission deadline (demos): October 19th, 2016
Notification of results(papers/posters): October 23rd, 2016
Notification of results(demos): October 26th, 2016
Camera-ready: November 2nd, 2016
Conference: December 7-9, 2016
Best Papers
As in previous years, the authors of the best papers (to be selected
by the award committee) will be offered to submit an extended version of
their paper to the journal Presence.
Best Posters and Demos
To encourage high-quality submissions, awards will be presented to
the best posters and demos. The best posters will be selected by
review scores and presentation evaluation by poster chairs at the
The best demos will be selected by review scores and audience votes
at the conference.
ICAT-EGVE 2016 will take place in the Clinton Presidential Library and
( <https://www.clintonlibrary.gov/>
https://www.clintonlibrary.gov/) in
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
General Co-Chairs
Carolina Cruz-Neira, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Osaka University, Japan
Program Co-Chairs
Dirk Reiners, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Frank Steinicke, University of Hamburg, Germany
Daisuke Iwai, Osaka University, Japan
Poster Co-Chairs
Regis Kopper, Duke University, USA
Pedro Morillo, Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Demo Co-Chairs
Tom Coffin, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA
Gabriel Zachmann, University of Bremen, Germany
Akihiko Shirai, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan
Best Paper Award Committee
Greg Welch The University of Central Florida, USA
Young-ho Chai Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea
Gerd Bruder University of Hamburg, Germany
Paper: icat-egve-2016-programchairs [at] ualr [dot] edu
Poster: icat-egve-2016-posterchairs [at] ualr [dot] edu
Demo: icat-egve-2016-demochairs [at] ualr [dot] edu
Any other questions: icat-egve-2016 [at] ualr [dot] edu