Dear colleagues,


we would like to invite you and your students to the 23st Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG) which is a unique conference-like event for Bachelor's and Master's students of visual computing.


For two months, an experienced international team guides them through their first academic publishing process. The event includes an interactive EXPO with exciting industrial workshops where ~20 companies and research institutions showcase the state of the art in our field.


Location:  Smolenice castle, Slovakia

Date:      April 28 - 30, 2019

Deadlines: January 28 (abstracts)

           February 10 (full papers)

                  March 27 (posters)




The seminar is an annual event dedicated to Bachelor's and Master's students. It develops their talent, promotes and supports their research activities. The three days program is balanced between:

- presentations of student work

- practical visual computing workshops

- interactive training of academic soft skills.


If you have a student who could participate, please contact us via


Submission process for full papers:

- Student(s) and their supervisor submit a scientific paper (max. 8 pages long).

- There is no need for significant novelty or a strong contribution, this is just a student seminar. However, a clear structure following the rules of scientific methodology is important.

- An international committee reviews the papers.

- All technically sound submissions are accepted. Instead of letting the students compete for a limited number of slots we guide and support all of them to achieve the highest quality possible.

- Each participating university or institution has to deliver up to 3*#own_submissions reviews with very detailed and friendly feedback.

- Students also cross-review one paper each.


Submission process for posters/work in progress (with talk):

- Student(s) submit a one page extended abstract.

- An international committee reviews the papers.

- Non-competitive just as full papers.


More information follows at



- Computer Graphics

- Virtual and Augmented Reality

- Scientific Visualization

- Rendering and Global Illumination

- Animation, Multimedia

- Image processing and Computer Vision

- Geometry processing and Modeling

- Fabrication



- include 2 nights + full board

- €30 - €50 for students

- €90 regular



- cheap flights to Bratislava (by Ryanair)

- flights from everywhere to Vienna

- good local bus connections for both airports

- a beautiful historical castle as venue



Martin Ilcik, Christian Freude, Hiroyuki Sakai, Michael Wimmer

TU Wien


The CESCG'19 is generously supported by the International Visegrad Fund (