Dear Colleagues,
This is to remind you of the approaching due date for the special issue of IEEE Computer Magazine that is the flagship publication of the IEEE Computer Society.
The topic is on Cutting-Edge Research in Visualization, for the May
2013 IEEE Computer Magazine issue. The CFP is online at:
Papers are due *** October 1, 2012 ***
This special issue intends to highlight major research challenges in this field. Authors are invited to address a current cutting-edge research topic in visualization with regard to what researchers could or should achieve in the next 5, 10, or 15 years. This involves reflection on how such a research topic has evolved over the past 25 years as well as projections for what might develop and evolve in the future.
Please do consider contributing a paper to this special issue.
Though we do not anticipate any problem with the submission system, it would be helpful, if you could send us an email to let us know the title and the author list of the article, preferably around September 15, 2012, so that we can be on the look out for your paper.
Best wishes,
Theresa-Marie Rhyne and Min Chen (Guest editors)