Pacific Graphics 2024


We are welcome all authors to submit your papers to Pacific Graphics 2024, which will take place from 13th to 16th October 2024 at the breathtaking Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), China. We welcome original unpublished submissions in all areas of computer graphics and its applications:


---------- Publications ----------

Journal Papers containing high-quality original and unpublished results are solicited for the journal track, and will be published in a special issue of Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), the journal of the Eurographics Association, in print and online in 2024.


---------- Timeline (All times are AoE) ----------

Abstract due:            May 31

Paper submission:    June 7

Final Acceptance Notification: Aug 19

Camera Ready Submission: August 29


---------- Conference Co-chairs ----------

Jan Bender, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Ligang Liu, University of Science and Technology of China

Denis Zorin, New York University, USA


---------- Program Co-chairs ----------

Renjie Chen, University of Science and Technology of China

Tobias Ritschel, University College London, UK

Emily Whiting, Boston University, USA