Dear Colleagues,
You are kindly invited to contribute to the EuroVis Workshop on Trustworthy Visualization (TrustVis). TrustVis, formerly known as EuroRVVV, will be held as a co-located event with EuroVis 2019 on June 3rd in Porto, Portugal.
/// EuroVis Workshop on Trustworthy Visualization
TrustVis is a continuation of the EuroRVVV workshop, which was held six times in conjunction with EuroVis and IEEE VIS. TrustVis includes the topics covered by EuroRVVV – Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in visualization – and also widens the scope.
We use the term “trust” in a broad sense. As a user, trust in a visualization might mean that:
* It shows the numbers I know from my spreadsheets (a common use case in industry)
* I understand how it is showing the data and I know how to interpret it (HCI, perception, etc.)
* It shows results that I can verify or validate by some means (verification, validation)
* It employs methods that are based on sound research (reproducibility of research)
* If I get sued for a decision I make based on this, I will be able to use it as evidence that I did nothing wrong (reproducibility of decisions)
* It shows me the limits of what my data and/or models can provide (uncertainty)
Topics we are looking for in the TrustVis workshop include, but are not limited to:
* Verification and validation in visualization
* Reproducibility of visualization methods and decision making
* Ways to improve trust in visualization
* Uncertainty visualization
* Ways to attack visualization (adversarial visualization)
We welcome short paper contributions, which will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process by an international program committee. They will be electronically archived in the Eurographics Digital Library and are fully citable publications. Submissions for the TrustVis track should be no longer than 4 pages for the main content, plus one page for references. All accepted papers will be presented at the workshop.
Besides regular short papers, we also welcome short position papers, where authors have an opportunity to state opinions, present controversial arguments, show on-going work, or share thoughts for future directions.
Important Dates:
*Paper Submission Deadline*: March 7, 2019
Acceptance Notification: April 10, 2019
Camera-ready Deadline: April 24, 2019
Workshop Date: June 3, 2019
Further details, including the call for papers and submission instructions (coming soon), can be found at
The TrustVis 2019 Organizers
Robert Kosara // Tableau Software, United States
Kai Lawonn // University of Koblenz – Landau, Germany
Lars Linsen // University of Münster, Germany
Noeska Smit // University of Bergen, Norway
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via
Further details, including the call for paper below, can be found at