Eurographics Symposium on Rendering
July 2-4, 2018
Karlsruhe, Germany
Call for participation:
The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2018 will take place at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany from July 2nd to July 4th, 2018. This 29th event continues the series of highly successful Eurographics Symposia and Workshops on Rendering. EGSR brings together research and practice in a focused single track program that showcases cutting-edge research and enables close interactions amongst participants. We hope to see you soon in Karlsruhe!
The prices listed below include taxes. Attendees of EGSR get to participate in the conference and the social events from 2nd of July to 4th of July. Registering for the Material Appearance Modeling Workshop grants access to the full workshop program on 1st of July. You can find more information about EG membership on the Eurographics website.
EG member: 450 EUR
Non-member: 550 EUR
Student, EG member: 300 EUR
Student, non-member: 400 EUR
Keynote speakers:
Michael Betancourt, Principal research scientist with Symplectomorphic, LLC
“Gambling in the Depths of High-Dimensional Spaces”
Matt Pharr, Distinguished research scientist at NVIDIA research
“Offline and interactive rendering: Converging at last?”
Papers program:
Conference chair:
Carsten Dachsbacher
Program chairs:
Wenzel Jakob
Toshiya Hachisuka